Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The following morning I ran into my dad coming in the front door as I was making my way down the stairs.

"Hi Alec," he said as he took care to close the door quietly.

"Hey," I mumbled, still half asleep.

"Is your mother round-" he started, but at that moment mum walked out of the kitchen.

"Morning, honey," she said to me a kissed me on the cheek. "What are you up to today-" she stopped when she was my father.

"Not sure," I said, moving past her and heading towards the cupboard to get some cereal. "I might give Sam a text and see if he wants to go into town." I yawned and shook some cereal out of the box and into a bowl. Or not into a bowl, considering half of it went all over the unit. I groaned.

"Mum do you..." I stopped when I looked up and saw my mum still stood at the kitchen door watching my dad. Weird. "Mum?"

She broke stare with my dad and came into the kitchen, ignoring him. "Yes?"

"Never mind," I mumbled, watching my dad walk up the stairs. I gave my mum a smile which she returned and I proceeded to pick up the cereal one by one and put it into my bowl.

I texted Sam, and he said he was busy today helping his mum rearrange the house because 'change is good and motivating for the brain' he quoted. So I decided to give Dylan a text asking him if he wanted to go into town, to which he replied;

I will gladly take that offer in order to get away from the creature in which I'm somehow related to. She's like the energizer bunny on LSD this morning.

I had to agree with him; that is not something I would want to be around. Dylan said he would pick me up in an hour so after finishing my breakfast I headed upstairs for a shower. I dressed warm, considering the weather didn't look very promising. I passed my dad heading into his office before I made my way downstairs. As I approached the kitchen I could hear my mum laughing along with someone else, a laugh that gave me Goosebumps.

"Hey," said Dylan as I came into the kitchen to see him leaning against the unit with a cup of coffee while my mum finished making her own.

"Hey," I replied.

"Dylan was just telling me about his little sister. You didn't say she was only six!" said my mum, sitting down at the table with her coffee. She pointed at the chair opposite, telling Dylan to sit. He raised his eyebrows at me before sitting down. I took the seat next to mum.

"Dylan says," she started, taking a sip of her coffee, "that she is very fond of you."

I gave them both a look. They were getting at something, I could tell.

"And that she got you playing with her Barbies," finished mum, smiling.

"What was I supposed to do? Not play with her?"

"You perfected Jill's voice. It's exactly as I imagined it in my head," Dylan deadpanned, trying not to laugh.

"Okay, okay. So it might have been a little bit fun. "

Dylan took out his phone and showed my mum a picture, to which she proceeded to burst out laughing. I glared at Dylan and he showed me the picture. Sure enough, it was a picture of me and Sophie playing with the dolls, and Dylan had managed to capture a moment of sheer delight on my face while I was holding Jill.

"When did you take that!" I exclaimed.

"When you were so engrossed playing with the dolls. You didn't even notice," laughed Dylan.

"Right, okay. Are we going into town or not," I asked, standing up. Dylan smiled and finished the rest of his coffee before joining me.

"It was nice seeing you Karen," said Dylan, giving my mum a kiss on the check.

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