Chapter Twenty-Two

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I was sad it was our last day at the cabin; it felt like I had to go back to the real world. It was nice getting to spend time with Dylan and just being around my friends, not having to worry about school work or my parents. But of course, those things were still there, just waiting for this trip to pass.

We set out at twelve and made our way to the nearest little town, to a place called Enrique’s. We managed to get the table in the far corner of the restaurant and made our orders. I was sat with Dylan to my left and Sally, followed by Mitch, to my right. Sam, Elle, Matt and Cam sat on the other side of the table.

Everything was going great; we were joking around, having a laugh, the food was amazing... then my phone vibrated in my pocket.

My place is free tomorrow night if you’re up for some fun ;) x

I groaned and hit my head against the table, narrowly avoiding my now-empty plate.

“Savannah or Kelly?” asked Sam from across the table.

“Savannah,” I groaned.

“They’re BFF radar creeps me out,” muttered Cam, earning a snicker from Matt.

I sat back up and stared at my phone, trying to summon Matilda’s powers to make it fly out the window.  I looked at Sam, who had his eyebrows raised and was grinning.

“Told you that you never should have gone there,” he said, taking a drink.

“I remember that you also told me I could handle five more beers that night, and that was only going to end with me going there.”

He shrugged. “Well, guess you shouldn’t have listened to me then.”

I flipped him off and replied to Savannah.

Can’t, got plans.

I looked back up and noticed Dylan reading my reply. He responded by raising an eyebrow.

Do I know her? X

“Put back; your mum,” suggested Dylan. I gave him a look.

“She’d probably believe that,” I told him.

“Now wouldn’t that be entertaining.”

I grinned at him and replied to Savannah.

I’ll talk to you later.

Dylan nodded his head in mock approval. “Nicely handled,”
“Glad you approve.”


Back at the cabin we all hung out for a bit, just chatting to one and other, and when we got hungry we just munched on the remaining food. Some of us began to watch a movie while the rest of us talked quietly among ourselves. I caught Dylan’s eye and he nodded to the back door, signalling for me to follow him.

Outside the sky had darkened and the air was cool. The wind had died down and the moon cast a peaceful glow through the trees, shimmering on the lake in the distance. I caught up to Dylan as we walked into the trees, far enough from the cabin so it was still in sight but we couldn’t be seen.

“Got plans for tomorrow night?” questioned Dylan, leaning his back on a tree. I stood in front of him with my hands in my pockets. In the moonlight, his hair shone white and his eyes sparkled a deep, dark blue; a stunning contrast to his pale skin and hair.

“No, that was just an excuse not to see Savannah,” I replied.

He nodded and looked out towards the lake. “Do you want plans?” he asked, almost shyly. I couldn’t help but smile.

“What did you have in mind?”

He shrugged, still looking out at the lake. “You could stay at mine if you wanted? My mum is on a night shift so I’m looking after Sophie.”

“I’d love to,” I said quietly.

He turned his attention away from the lake and looked at me, smiling. I smiled back and he leaned in and kissed me.

Despite the cold, Dylan’s lips were warm against mine, and as he moved them in sync with my own that heat began to spread through my body, slowly engulfing me. I took my hands out of my pockets and held on to his own, threading my fingers through his as our tongues entwinded, making me feel-


We broke away from each other and looked towards the cabin.


I looked at Dylan who rolled his eyes and pulled a face. I laughed as we made our way back towards the cabin, out hands no longer entwined but Dylan’s hand was rested between my shoulder blades, his thumb moving in slow circles.

We emerged from the trees, and sure enough, there was Sally. Her eyes widened and she waved when she saw us.

“I thought you guys were out here,” she said.

“You called?” asked Dylan, sounding bored and slightly amused. It was probably due to detective Sally squinting and flicking her eyes back and forth between us.

I held up my hands when her gaze settled on me. “Not pregnant,” I stated, and Dylan burst out laughing.

Sally just shook her head at me. “Your phone was buzzing so I came out to give it to you but I couldn’t find you so I thought you were maybe ate by a bear or-“

Both Dylan and I laughed and I took my phone off Sally as all three of us headed back inside.

Sure enough I had another text message. This one was from my mum.

Hi honey, hope you’re having a good time, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Have a safe trip home. Love mum x

Well that’s kind of weird. Sam gave me a questioning look and I shook my head before sitting down next to Dylan and turning my attention towards the film just as a zombie got decapitated.

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