Chapter Eleven

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The game on Saturday morning was a success, we won 4-2, and everyone was buzzing due to our victory in the changing room afterwards.

“How are we celebrating tonight boys?” asked Sam as we emerged from the showers.

“Shit,” I cursed. “I forgot to tell you guys but I can’t do tonight. I have dinner with my family and Kieran’s family from Dad’s work.”

“Doesn’t he have a really hot daughter that is all over you?” piped in Cam. “I wouldn’t be complaining.”

“You’d only be complaining about the discomfort in your pants,” said Matt, earning a glare from Cam.

My good mood didn’t vanish despite the upcoming dinner, and that might have had something to do with Dylan. He had come to watch the game and had given me a wave from the stand when he caught my eye. That had given me more of a boost than the first goal that I had scored into the back of the net.

By the time I had got home, showered and changed into a pair of black dress trousers and a navy long sleeved shirt- I even had on a black tie- it was time for us to leave. Mum had somehow even got Luke into a pair of black trousers with a short sleeved black shirt. He did, however, not wear a tie. It was weird enough for me to just see him out and about without a hoodie on.

We had booked a table at some fancy Italian restaurant in the centre of town, probably one of the selected few restaurants in town where to wear a tie was not classed as ‘overdressed’.

 Kieran and his wife Amanda, and of course their daughter Molly were already there when we entered, and, surprise surprise, I was sat next to Molly at the round table, with Luke to my right sat next to my mother, and my father and Kieran directly across from me with Amanda next to Kieran.

Molly looked pretty tonight, but I thought she was wearing too much make up when she didn’t need it. She had on a black knee length skin tight dress, her blonde hair in a fishtail coming over her left shoulder. She had on bright red lipstick which reminded me too much of Savannah to ever find attractive anymore.  She also smelt like the aftermath of a perfume factory explosion.

As I made myself comfortable and straightened my tie, she scooted her chair closer to mine so they were touching and placed a hand on my arm as she spoke.

“How have you been, Alec?”

I cleared my throat, trying not to choke on the perfume fumes. “I’m good thanks. Yourself?”

“Great,” she replied, leaning closer. “Even better now that you’re here,” she whispered before giggling. Great.

I looked up as a shadow fell over the table and was shocked to see Dylan standing there, in black trousers, white long sleeved shirt and tuxedo, accompanied by a bow tie. He gave me a small smile before directing his attention to the rest of the table.

“Can I get you anything to drink?”

Once we placed our drink order and Dylan returned with our drinks, we placed our food order and I felt my phone vibrate in my trouser pocket. I subtly pulled it out, keeping it out of sight from my mother who would no doubt chaste my about my table manners if she caught sight of me reading a text at the table. It was from Dylan.

They were short on staff tonight so called me to cover. Mum is friends with the owner. You look like you’re having a fabulous time ;) x

I quickly glanced round the table to make sure nobody was watching me. Molly had went to the toilet.

I’m having a blast x

He replied instantly.

Who’s your date? X

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