Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After spending so much time with Dylan, I realised that I needed a guys day. A heterosexual  guys day. I spent a few days catching up on homework and assignments, and on Thursday I arranged to meet up with the guys and have a kick about on the field.

I dressed warmly; jogging bottoms, hoodie and football boots. It was a ten minute walk to the field and I ran all the way there, hoping to warm my body up in the chilly outdoor air. The rest of the guys were already there and Cam kicked the football to me as I approached.

“Well well well, our fourth member returns,” called Cam. I passed the ball to Sam.

“You’ve gotta learn how to live without me Cam, I can’t hold your hand every day,” I called back as I went and stood next to Sam. Cam flipped me off.

“That’s cause you’re too busy holding Dylan’s hand,” said Sam quietly as he kicked the ball to Matt. I shoved him and he shoved me back, smiling.

Matt and Cam continued to pass the ball back and forth between them , and Sam and I went and sat on the wall at the edge of the pitch.

“Seriously though,” he started once we were out of earshot, “how are things?”

“Things are good,” I said, slowly nodding my head. Sam raised his eyebrow at me, waiting for me to elaborate.

“Things are really good,” I went on. “Like, too good to be real. But everything is just happening so fast and there’s all these feelings that are new to me and I just...” I waved my hands in front of me trying to communicate to Sam how I was feeling. He understood what I meant.

“What kind of new feelings?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Like, I just like spending time with him. I could be sat at the opposite end of the room from him but I’d be happy simply because he was there. Or, like when he just looks at me, I get this weird feeling inside- not a bad feeling, just...” I did the hand gestures again and Sam chuckled.

“Dude, you have it bad.”

I groaned and leaned forward, allowing myself to fall face-first onto the ground. I groaned again at the feel of the frosty grass making my face cold but I made no effort to get up.

“Alec Brooke, who would have thought, is falling in love with a guy,” said Sam, still sitting on the wall. I curled up into a ball and started rolling around on the cold ground.

“Why God? Why?” I cried.

“What’s wrong with him?” shouted Matt. I opened an eye and say that they had stopped playing and were walking over towards us.

“PMS,” replied Sam, jumping down off the wall and trying to pull me up. I rolled away from him.


Sam dragged me out of my hedgehog embrace and pulled me to my feet just as Matt and Cam got to us. 

“Do you need me to go get you a tampon?” asked Matt, trying not to laugh.

“Nah, it’s okay. I’ll just get one off Cam.” I held my hand out towards him and he threw the football at my head.

“Right, let’s go back to mine and have beer?” suggested Matt.

“Did yous drive here?” I asked as we made our way back to the road.

“Yeah,” said Sam as we found his car parked round the corner.

“Lazy bastards,” I muttered.

“Would you rather walk?”

“I meant smart bastards.”

“I thought that’s what you meant.”


When we got back to Matt’s we went upstairs – Matt grabbing some beer on the way up- and we fired up the xbox.

Cam and Sam were playing while I sat on Matt’s computer chair spinning round in circles.

“Alec I swear to God I will beat you up if you keep spinning on that chair,” said Matt. He was lying on his bed while Sam and Cam were sat on the floor in front of the TV. I stopped spinning and felt my phone vibrate. It was Dylan.

So... I told Mitch about us. X

Holy mother of our saviour Jesus Christ. I think my heart may have stopped.

I replied instantly.

And...? x

I stared at my phone until Dylan replied.

He took it surprisingly well. He said he’d ‘smash your face in and send the ugly photo of your fucked up face to everyone on snapchat’ if you piss me off, but apart from that he’s fine x

That did sound like something Mitch would say.

Okay, guess I just have to tell my friends now. X

His reply wasn’t surprising.

Don’t feel rushed to tell them, just do it whenever you’re ready.

“Alec, who are you texting?” asked Matt.

I’m as ready as I’ll ever be xx

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked up at Matt who was lying upside down on the bed frowning at me.

“I’ve got something to tell you guys,” I said.

The tone of my voice made Sam drop his controller and look up at me in alarm. I gave him a quick, reassuring smile before sitting up straight and crossing my legs on the computer chair.

“Two minutes...” said Cam, still playing the game. Sam picked up his controller and paused it, earning a glare from Cam. Matt sat up on the bed and looked at me.

“What’s up?” he asked.

I cleared my throat.

“Right, I don’t really know how to tell you guys this, so I’m just going to say it since you’re going to find out eventually and there is no point putting it off any longer cause either way you’re going to find out-“

“Alec,” said Sam, cutting off my rambling.

“Right, sorry. Anyway, I guess what I need to tell you is that I’m dating a guy.”


“WAIT YOU ARE GAY?” shouted Cam in shock. Sam hit him over the head.

“Let’s say for arguments sake that yeah, I am.”

It’s fair to say, not a lot of things can make Cameron speechless. Score one for Alec Brook and the element of surprise.

“Dylan,” said Matt, giving me a questioning smile with his eyebrows raised.

“Yeah,” I said softly. Matt got up and gave me a slap on the back, smiling.

“Well, congrats man. I didn’t see it coming, but maybe you’ll no longer have crazy ex’s to deal with.

I smiled at him and looked over at Cam, who was frowning at me. Sam got up and came to stand next to me and Matt. Together, we all stared at him and waited for him to say something.

I knew it wasn’t going to be this easy, that they’d all accept it. I don’t blame Cam, how could I? if one of those three had turned around and just told me that they were gay I’d probably be angry. Angry that they’d lie about something like that, and keep it secret and-

“Cam, what the bloody hell are you thinking?” asked Matt as Cam continued to stare at me.

“I just-“ he stopped again and frowned at me before eventually saying what he’d been thinking. I don’t think anything could have prepared me for his reaction, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to comprehend his reasons for saying what he said next.

“Which one of you and Dylan is the bottom?”

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