Chapter 9

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Christine was so happy to see her mother. Immediately they got to the hospital she runner to hug her mum.

James parent's came along with her together with Allison and Edward. When Amelia saw her parents the room became a little tense.

They all exchanged greeting's and Mina James mum excused her self to go and get them coffee. Her husband followed along leaving Amelia with her parents and her daughter.

"Amelia can we" Allison tried to talk but Amelia silenced her by telling her she is going out for a walk with her daughter at the park.

"Miss, please I want to take Chris for a walk since I promised him I would." Angie the house keeper said to Cindy.

"Sure thing but take a body guard with you." Cindy replied absentminded getting ready for the party which Isaac was invited.

The party is the topic in town. Even when she went out to get her nails and hair done.

Wives of rich men who where personally invited it through their husband's can't stop talking about the party.

Angie went to fetch Chris as they prepared to leave for the park. Chris took his soccer ball along with him together with the body guard they left for the park.

The ride to the park was a silent one between the body guard, the driver and Angie but Chris couldn't contain his happiness.

He kept on talking about how his friend's envy him at school because of the video Game Angie bought him.

Soon they arrived at the park. Angie and Chris where accompanied by the body guard to the play ground but Angie told him he can sit in the car or something if they need something they will call him.

He was hesitant to leave but Angie reasoned with him that everybody will be looking at them strangely and Chris won't feel comfortable playing with a body guard hanging around his neck.

"Mum, let go by the swing." Christine pointed to her mother as they moved to that direction.

Christine was been pushed by Amelia and her laughter could be heard from afar.

The laughter and crying of some of the children could be heard afar and near by.

Parents telling their children not to go far didn't go unnoticed by Amelia. Amelia is soon tired of pushing Christine.

Not far from Christine some kid's her age are playing hide and seek their parents not far from them where busily talking but keeping eye on their children.

Christine run to join them and they welcomed her. For one's Amelia is happy that her daughter is genuinely happy.

"Excuse me do you wanna play this soccer ball with me." A young blond boy not more than 5 with his first front teeth missing asked Amelia.

She looked at the boy with awe. He so much look's like her missing son. His striking blue eyes reminds her of her own.

Amelia crouch to his height and asked him of his name. He mentioned his name and told Amelia he came her with his nanny.

Pointing at the direction if his nanny who is running at full speed towards them.

When Angie saw Amelia her eyes widened. That didn't go unnoticed by Amelia.

Deep within Amelia felt she had seen this boy somewhere before but can't remember where she saw him.

"You have a nice boy here." Amelia smiled politely at Angie who is still in shock.

"Mrs, are you okay?" Amelia stood up to her full height asking Angie who looks like she has seen a ghost.

"I'm okay. Sorry about that. You just resumable someone I know." Angie replied composing her self.

"Common Chris let go." Angie tagged at Chris but he refused to go saying he will play a little bit.

"Can I ask you a question." Angie asked as she and Amelia sat on the swing in a comfortable silence as Chris and Christine and the other children where playing.

"Are you perhaps Amelia Jefferson?" Angie curiously asked. This stranger look's just like the couple who where looking for their son.

"How did you know my name." Amelia answered her with a question. Angie gasped at the reply she got.

" I'm not too sure but I think I might know where your son is" Angie said as she turned to face Amelia.

Longest time my dear reader's. Thanks for been patient. Two more chapters to go and the book will be over. Please vote and comment

Please don't forget to check out my new book Scars of love. You will really love it. It not your daily wattpad story.

Till next time


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