chapter 11

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" hey you there my friend." Angie went to the kitchen to talk to the Cook since they where her friends.

"Hey Angie" the elderly woman replied groggily seating comfortably on the chair instead of her preparing the dinner.

"Why the long face and tired look." Took a seat beside her as she asked the question.

"I'm not really well and madam and master are not around so wanted to take a rest but the body guards outside there insists I put food on the table for them." Angie's friend concluded.

"Oh so you are tired and you don't feel like cooking." Angie turned to her friend to confirm her point and her friend only nodded as a reply.

I know our employers are not the best people but they could at least give you a day off since you are awfully sick.

"But don't worry I will prepare dinner." Angie surprised her friend by saying that.

" Oh no it okay, I will manage on my own." Her friend protested but Angie been Angie persuaded her friend to go and rest.

At the end Angie won and her friend went to the maids quarter's to take the rest of the night off.

Angie prepared spaghetti and meat balls since it quite easy and she is sure everybody likes it.

She went to check round no body was around so she sprinkled something into the spaghetti as she called the other worker's to dinner.

They where surprised to see her at the kitchen but they did not complain nevertheless.

Immediately Angie served them the food they all dug in to eat without waiting a minute.

Less than 30min into the dinner one body guard called Olly the meanest of them all dropped his fork claiming he wasn't well.

He stood up to leave the dinning room when he fell down. His fellow body guards tried helping him but they all ended up in the same faith as their friend they all began to feel dizzy as they swayed from right to left and each fell down one by one.

When Angie was sure everybody was out cold she went to Chris room to dress him in his sleep.

She wrote a short note to her friend the cook as she made her way to the garage with an oblivious Chris still snoring softly on her shoulder.

She searched the body guard who took them out today and found the keys to the same car.

She hurried put Chris at the back and secured him with a seat belt as she reversed out of the house.

Amelia was worried, it was written clear on her face. She look's so disrupted.

She has been pacing for the past 10min now glancing at her watch every now and then.

A lot of silly question's where running through her head like what if the woman was only playing jokes on her.

She is certain the boy woman is holding is Chris. The bond they shared can only be experienced by mother and child.

"Amelia, hey Amelia!! Are you okay?" James stopped her in the middle of the room as she was still pacing.

"Is something bothering you, wait are you going out cause you've been glancing at your wrist watch for long." James said patting the space on his bed for her.

Amelia slowly went to seat on the bed beside James who was stroking her wet hand's.

" Tell me what wrong with you." James softly cooed. Amelia for once was happy that the family had taken Christine to their hotel room cause they where all tired they kinda of had a long day.

Amelia on the other hand refused to rest saying she wasn't tired. Now she has to find an excuse to tell James.

" I'm okay James, it just that I met my old friend at the park today and she will be leaving for Italy this evening and she wanted us to meet." Amelia lied through her teeth.

Cursing her self for lying to her one true love. But some times we lie to protect the one's we love.

What if she tells him where she is going and the woman doesn't show up with the boy, she won't forgive her self for reopening old wounds the family is trying to heal after Chris was taken.

"Oh my Amelia, you can go and meet her. Don't let me stop you, is that why you where nervous. You know I can take care of my self." James assured her as he kissed both her hand's.

Amelia kissed him on the forehead as she glance at him one last time with an I'm sorry look she is lucky James didn't catch on before she took the elevator down stairs.

Longest time babe's. I know it been ages and I'm so sorry. I'm kinda of busy and my graduation is just around the corner September actually and I'm a fashion student I'm expected to have a collection for graduation so please pardon me when I delay.

Two or one more chapter to go then we say good bye to His missing son.

Guys don't forget to vote and comment.

Will Angie be able to make it.

Will she be able to deliver Amelia her baby without any problems.

What do you think the guard's will do to her when they get hold on her.

My loves share your thoughts about the book through comments. Can't wait to discuss it with you.

Love Rukky360😮😮😮

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