chapter 10

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Dedicated to LeenaThokchom for been supportive and loyal. Love you bunchser

"Where is my son. Tell me, my son where can I find him." Amelia was fully crying now. Sobbing like a baby.

Luckily for them the kids weren't near them and they weren't far from them also. They can see them from where they are.

The sobbing of Amelia made them gained unwanted attention, tears where streaming down on her face. Angie was flushed with the way Amelia was holding her.

She felt bad for keeping that secret for almost a decade. She wouldn't have forgiven her self if something had happened to Chris.

People where crowding around them. From afar Christine is running to where she thought she saw her mum.

She relieved a sigh when she saw her mum. Some times she behaves way older than her actual age.

Angie saw the body guard leading Chris to the car, with the nod of his head telling her it time to go, she didn't want to but she has to.

She stood up and hugged Amelia. Amelia loathed the woman but Angie hugged her tightly.

"Keep still, I have to tell you something the body standing there is trying to read my lips. Meet me here at 9pm this evening. I will be bringing your son to you." Angie whispered.

Amelia broke from the hug and looked at Angie as if she has grown to head.

Amelia didn't want to belief what the older woman said but she has to risk it.

She won't tell any one about what happened today. Until she gets Chris back she is going to keep this a secret.

Angie hugged Amelia as the angry chauffer blew the horns of the car to get Angie's attention.

A lot of people glared at him for disturbing them or startling them up. Kid's who are not used to the horns of cars started crying.

Angie had set everything up for Chris. How she would get him out has been well planned.

Amelia was a little bit happy and a little bit hopeful she will find her son soon.

She didn't want to get her hopes up only for it to turn out not to be true. The boy the stranger will bring will not be her son.

That would devastate her. She can't bring her self to tell any one about her new findings.

It because of her James is in this condition. Had she not have argued with him, yelled at him or accused him he wouldn't be lying in the hospital bed with tubes and IVs all over him.

"Mum here, daddy won't be happy when he wakes up to see you crying." Christine handed her her pink Barbie hankie.

Amelia took it gracefully and wiped the tears away. Smiling lovely at her wise daughter.

Before they entered the hospital, Amelia crouched down to Christine's level to have a talk with her.

" you see the woman I was talking with at the park earlier today? " Amelia asked her daughter who was nodding her head like a lizard.

"I want you to keep a secret for mummy. Can you do that sweedy." Amelia asked a again.

Christine was a little bit confused with her mother's action's but nevertheless she nodded her head.

" I can keep a promise momma. Pinky promise" she brought her sun kissed pinky and her mum took it.

" don't tell anyone about the woman you saw me talking with okay. Not even your aunty Sapphire. Don't breathe a word to any one I'm I clear." Amelia asked her daughter. Brushing her hair out if her face.

"I promise momma. I love you so much." Amelia hugged her daughter as they both held each other's hand and walked side by side to the hospital room.

When they got there, everybody was in James room. His mother was feeding him soup.

The tube's and IVs where all gone. Amelia run and hugged him. When she entered all talking ceased and they parted way for her like the red sea.

She kissed James all over the face. "Daddy!!" A tiny voice said as Christine run to hug her dad who wasn't stable.

Amelia had her head rested on his chest. Everybody decided to give them privacy.

Christine against her wish refused to go but was forced out. Amelia couldn't look at James in the eye.

Memories of their argument flooding back. She felt guilty for what she did. Tears where pouring down her face.

"Look at me." James said, but Amelia refused. So he lifted her head of his chest and caged her face with both his hands.

"Why are you crying." The more James cleans the tears they more they flow.

Amelia opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out and she closed it. When she tried again she hiccupped followed by sobs.

"I'm so sorry James. It my fault you are here. If I didn't accuse or argued with you this wouldn't have happened.

Angie bathed Chris and fed him, she decided to help her friend in the kitchen. She is not sure Cindy and Isaac will be back home today.

This is the perfect time for her strike. But how will she pass with the boy when there are so many body guards guiding the house.

Sorry for the long wait. This chapter was wrote in a rush. And hasn't been edited.

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What do you think Angie's plan will be in getting Chris out of the house. The person who gets the correct answer will get a sneak peek of the next chapter and a dedication.

Love you all Rukky360

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