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It's Sunday. The day of Kyle's services. It's the day Kate, Luke, and Isabella had been dreading since they had heard of their beloved friends passing. People were crying, others reminiscing, others acting as if the coffin next to them was no big deal as if they were at a party.

   Kate had arrived an hour early, for moral support of Luke, and signed in. Since it was her first time in a funeral home, she had no idea that she was walking into the room that held Kyle in his coffin. Dropping the "In Memoriam" card to the floor, she covered her mouth with her hands, fell to her knees, and cried. Luke came up behind her and led her out of the room.
"Yeah, I did the same thing when I got here." Luke rubs the back of his neck, nervously, staring at the floor.
   Kate had been quiet since then. Luke had spoken a bit to passing acquaintances. Isabella couldn't help but stare at Kyle. Luke would eventually nudge her gently back into reality, but Isabella would still find herself just looking at him, absolutely no emotion in her eyes. Kate stared at Kyle's parents, next to their son. She noticed her mother was holding his hand tightly like she did not want to let go. Kate understood. If it were her son, she probably would've never let go, either. Luke walked away briefly to offer his condolences to the grieving parents of his best friend. Kate watched as Julia, still holding Kyle's hand, embraced Luke and kissed him on the cheek. Turning to Kyle's father, he wrapped Luke up in a tight hug and cried on his shoulder. Kate imagined Luke was doing the same.
    A few hours had passed, and the sign-in book was just about full. Many people came over to Kyle, said their farewells, and left. Julia came forward and said that they would be leaving for the cemetery soon. Kate watched as Luke held his breath after the word had been mentioned. Kate grabbed his hand for support, and he smiled bravely at her, trying to hold his tears back, and failing. Kate and Isabella stood on the sidewalk as Kyle's coffin was brought out, into the hearse, and a prayer was said. Saying "Amen," Kate and Isabella walked to Kate's car and joined the cemetery procession.
   At the cemetery, Kate listened to the prayers, and the powerful speeches Kyle's parents managed to give, despite today being the worst day of their life. Isabella squeezed her best friend's hand, and Kate squeezed back just as hard. Isabella led Kate to Kyle's parents, and they smiled weakly at the pair. Julia told Isabella how much Kyle liked her and the tears built up in her eyes. Kate hugged the parents, consoled them, apologized for their loss, assured them she and her mother were there for them, led Isabella away from the cemetery, and drove her back to her house.


Kate and Isabella walked in to find Kate's mother in the kitchen, baking cookies as if today was a good day. Laura looked at the two, saw them in all black, and then remembered what today had been. Gently placing the cookie pan on the island's counter, she walked over to the two and embraced them in her arms. Kate tried to hold back the tears she had been successfully doing all day, but the minute she felt her mother's warmth, she couldn't hold anything back anymore. Laura released the two, dried their cheeks, and led them to the barstools connected to the island. Kate and Isabella sat down, and Laura went around the island, plated the cookies, and then leaned her elbows on the counter.
"So," Laura paused. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to, but how was it?"
Kate paused, fiddling her fingers in her lap. Looking up at her mother, she spoke in a hoarse, tired voice. "It was beautiful. He had such a great turnout. He was loved so much."
"And taken far too soon." Isabella finally spoke. For the first time all day. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I spoke to Kyle's parents earlier. They said the police have no leads, but some guy from the prison we visited called, wondering how well he knew their son. They said they had never heard of him, and they dropped it."
Laura sighed. "I can't even imagine what they're going through." Turning her cheek to her daughter, she said, "They know we're here for them, yes?"
"Yes. I told them before we left the cemetery."
    Sighing, Laura didn't know how to respond. Grabbing the plate full of cookies, she instructed the girls to take them and enjoy any movie they wanted on the TV and to try to relax after probably the worst day of their life yet. Kate asked Isabella what she wanted to watch. Isabella shrugged. Kate figured she was done talking and went upstairs. Laura watched from the counter and was cautious about whether or not to comfort Isabella. Hearing the stair creak, Laura relaxed when she saw Kate returning with a blanket. She wrapped it around her friend, plugged it in, and Isabella let the warmth consume her. Ever since Kate had gotten the heated blanket, she and Isabella had realized the warmth seemed to make everything somewhat better, like it took some of the pain away.
   Smiling, Isabella lifted the blanket, allowing Kate to get under it too. Kate grabbed the remote and again asked Isabella what she wanted to watch. Obviously, in a somewhat better mood, she said, "Anything but a romcom."
    Laughing, the two found a comedy they had both wanted to see. The TV showed that the movie had to be rented for five dollars. Kate asked her mom if it was okay, and Laura waved her hand, stating, "Whatever you two girls want."

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