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Welch and Lawrence remain parked outside Kate's house, eyeing for any change within the home.

"This is getting ridiculous," Lawrence groans. "There's clearly nothing going on with these girls. What is your girlfriend on? She's just wasting our time and stalling our investigation."
"Yeah, but if we just go and give up, she'll be suspicious."
"She already is. Didn't you see her face when I asked for information on this Young girl?" Lawrence scoffs. "Of course, you didn't. Rookie."
"Look, I admit, I'm way out of my league here. But I'm good at what I do, and I know there's something here. It's just a matter of what."
"If you say so."
Welch digs for his phone, given to him by Sherman, and texts Isabella.
"I've set up a meeting for tonight with Rodriguez at my place."
Lawrence jerks his head. "For what? We've got nothing to tell her."
"Let's change that." Welch nods at the house. "Let's talk to the girls. They've been stalling. I know it."
"We can't just go back up there and knock on the door again."
"Who says?"
"An already suspicious mother."
Welch rolls his eyes. "Fuck."
"So call that meeting off with your little girlfriend."
"I'm not going to tell you again, man, she's not my girlfriend."
Lawrence chuckles. "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I'm hungry, and I need to get out of this car. Maybe while we're gone, that Winters woman will call."
"Yeah, maybe."
Lawrence pulls out of his parking space as he heads to a diner.

"Frankie," Kate knocks. "Are you ready?"
Frankie opens the door. "Yeah, I guess."
"You look nice."
"Thanks, they're your clothes so." She bounces on her heels. "Anyways, let's go before I change my mind."
Kate and Frankie say goodbye to Laura before heading to school.
"At least they're gone." Kate sighs in relief.
"The PI. They've been sitting out here since they showed up."
"Desperate much?" Frankie laughs.
"I guess." Kate smiles as she unlocks her door.
Kate parks in her usual space, and Frankie looks at a car parked in her space.
"What the hell?"
"There probably wasn't another spot."
"Yeah, but they didn't take yours." Frankie looks around. "Besides, look, there are four spaces right over there."
"Don't worry about it." Kate sighs. "Besides, you know your car can't be seen anywhere."
"Yeah, let's just go in," she mumbles.

Frankie and Kate head in and come upon a couple of football jocks.
"Damn, is she now?" Kevin asks.
"Hey, Kate," Peter smirks. "What are you doing Friday night?"
"Not you," Kate says, pushing past them.
"Okay, so what's your friend doing then?" Miguel asks as Kate and Frankie can practically feel his eyes on them.
"Not you, either," Kate says, becoming agitated.
"Bitch." Kevin says.
Christopher watches as Kate and Frankie dodge through some assholes. Christopher's neck turns red in anger as he makes his way into the building.
"Jesus Christ," Principal Henricks huffs as he spots Christopher. "Where the hell have you been?"
"Sorry, sir, I had a family thing." Christopher fakes, biting back a huff.
"You should've called instead of disappearing on me."
"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again."
"Make sure it doesn't." Mr. Henricks points a finger in Christopher's face and walks away.
"Dick," Christopher remarks.
Christopher pins his name tag to his shirt as he treads past the students in the hall.
"Psst," Christopher turns and spots Isabella. "I need to talk to you."
"Do you?"
"Yeah." Isabella raises a brow. She sighs. "You know about the private eyes."
"Yeah, I do," Christopher whispers harshly. "What the hell what you were thinking?"
"I wasn't. I just wanted them to check Frankie out. They were never told to involve Kate. Have you seen her? I really need to explain."
"No, I haven't."
"Well, when you do, can you have her call me or something?"
"You two have mutual classes. Do it then." he spits as he walks away.


Welch and Lawrence sit in a booth downtown at a popular diner. A waitress places their plates in front of them before dismissing herself.
"So, what's the plan?"
"What do you mean?" Welch asks as he bites into his burger.
"How are we going to get the girls to talk to us before we meet with Rodriguez?"
"I don't know, man." Welch drops his burger and leans his elbows on the table, locking his fingers.
"I have an idea."
"Hit me with it."
"We show up at the Winters home before they get back from school and convince the blonde to let us in."
"And then they have no choice but to talk to us." Welch finishes.
Lawrence winks. "Turns out you have a brain after all."

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