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Sherman watches Lieutenant Drake enter the elevator and disappear out of sight. Relaxing in his desk chair, he grabs his pen and twirls it between his hands before tossing it on top of the files sprawled across the desk. Grabbing the phone, he presses a few buttons before holding it to his ear.

"Principal Henricks," he pauses. "Detective Sherman again. Mind if I ask you a few more questions?" Sherman listens for an answer. "Great, I'll be at school soon."
    Rising and grabbing his coat, Sherman brushes past Lillian. Watching him go, she enters his office and puts the files back together, stacking them next to Sherman's phone.


Christopher rises from the uncomfortable leather couch and rubs his tired eyes. Stretching and groaning, he moves to the cabinets. Grabbing a glass and lifting the faucet, he watches the water pour into the glass. Once the water is practically to the rim of the glass, he turns the faucet off and leans his back against the counter, sipping lightly.


Hawkins and Watson stand behind the yellow tape near a huddle of deputies, who are clearly lost and out of their element while watching the news reporters flock to the Chief of Bringman PD and Detective Sherman.

"What are they really going to say that hasn't already been said?" Watson huffs.
"This is different," Brian whispers sternly. "Christopher Samuels was actually spotted. Here, in Kate's neighborhood, for God's sake."
"Even still," Watson leans closer as she lowers her voice. "This has been going on for a little over a month now."
"What are you saying?" Brian turns to look Watson in the eyes. "Are you suggesting that Sherman should just call off the search and let Christopher go free?"
Watson shrugs. "Who knows, man, maybe it'd be for the best."
Brian scoffs. "Please tell me you're not serious."
She shrugs again, turning to look at Sherman. "I mean, he was up for parole anyway. I'm sure they would've granted it."
"So him escaping is his way of granting himself parole?"
"Maybe that's how he sees it, yeah."
Brian shakes his head, scratching his eyebrow as he watches a reporter come towards him.
"Hi," she smiles. "Anne Burk, channel five, may I ask who are you and how are you tied to all of this?" she points the microphone in Brian's face and motions to the many police.
"I'm Brian Hawkins. I'm the CO at Bushmount Prison. The prison that Christopher Samuels escaped from. And this," he jabs his thumb at Watson. "Is my fellow officer Taylor Watson."
"Do you believe that Christopher Samuels escaped to be with a young woman he met days before his escape?"
Brian licks his lips. "Yes," he finally answers. "I believe we are not allowed to release the young woman's name, but we do believe that he became severely infatuated with this girl, and that prompted his plan to break out."
"Do you think that this young woman asked him to escape? Provoked it, if you will?"
"No, not at all." Brian nudges his head towards Sherman. "Detective Sherman has investigated the young woman three times, and she is one hundred percent innocent in all of this."
"Is this young woman Kate Winters?"
Brian's eyebrow raises. "Excuse me?"
"We've heard of multiple tips telling the Bringman Police Department that the young woman, who everyone believes to have taken a part of Christopher's escape, is Kate Winters. Is that true?"
Brian's jaw locks. "You should be asking Detective Sherman about this. We've only been assigned to work this scene and help search for Christopher Samuels."
Anne Burk smiles. "I did, just now actually. He said no comment."
"Then yeah, I think you know that the answer is no comment."
Brian pushes past Anne Burk and her cameraman before getting into his car and driving away, leaving Watson alone.

Kate and her mother lock their eyes on the television screen, barely blinking, listening intently at news report after news report.

"Why do they keep mentioning me?" Kate mumbles. "Like I'm some criminal or something?"
"Honey," Laura strokes her daughter's hair. "Everything's going to be okay. They're going to catch Christopher, and he's going to confess that you had nothing to do with any of this, and then he's going back to jail, and everyone will apologize for even considering that you had something to do with this."
Kate nods her head but, away from her mother's view, rolls her eyes too.
Kate's phone rings, and she breaks away from her mother's hug as she grabs it and holds it to her ear.
"Hey, beautiful," Christopher smiles.
"Uh," Kate holds the phone from her ear, turning to her mom. "It's Isabella. I'm just going to take this into my room."
"Okay, honey, tell her I said hello."
"I will," Kate shouts as she rushes to the safety of her room.
Bringing the phone back to her ear, she breathes heavily.
"How did you get my number? Wait, how do you have a phone?"
"Easy kitten," Christopher soothes. "I just wanted to check-in."
"The news says that you were spotted last night, outside my house. Do you have any idea how that looks for me?" Kate sighs, running a hand through her hair. "They already believe that I had something to do with your escape. And you being outside my house last night is not helping my case."
"Don't worry about that. Once I choose to go back, I'll tell them that you had no part in my escape."
"Wait when you choose to go back? When the hell is that?"
"Whenever I'm ready," Christopher clears his throat. "I want to see you."
"Absolutely not," Kate peeks through her curtains. "There's still a million reporters, cops, bystanders, even police from counties away are all still outside my house."
"I think you and I both know I can get through that."
"Yeah, well, if you're choosing when to go back, then unless you choose for it to be tonight, you won't come here."
Christopher breathes deeply, becoming agitated. "Of course, kitten, don't worry your pretty little head. Everything will be okay."
"Christopher," she breathes, sitting on her bed. "How long do you really plan on being on the run?"
"I'm not sure. Why?"
"Because the longer you drown this out, the longer I'll be judged like some criminal. I've already been cleared three times. Three. Times. Christopher." she repeats. "I'm not sure I can keep doing this with the police."
Christopher shushes her. "I promise, once I'm back in their custody, everything will be fine. I'll have people at your feet, kissing your hand, and begging for forgiveness." he chuckles. "Okay?"
"Yeah, sure," Laura calls from the living room. "I'm coming!" she shouts, bringing the phone back to her ear. "I gotta go."
"Talk soon."

Christopher listens to the dial tone before placing the phone back in its holder, smiling brightly.

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