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Isabella wakes the next morning to a message from Michael asking for a ride to school. Rubbing her eyes, her eyes temporarily blinded by the brightness of her screen, she taps her thumbs on the screen, telling Michael she'll be there soon. Flinging the blankets off of her, she scurries to her closet, her eyes searching the various items putting them together in her head. Before settling on a pair of light skinny jeans, a long white cardigan with a camisole, she drops her sandals on the floor and heads to her bathroom.

    Half an hour later, Isabella locks her front door behind her and hurries to her car. Shifting her car into reverse, she speeds out of her driveway and heads to the address she somehow has commemorated to memory.
    Pulling up in front of the unforgettable black front door, Isabella honks her horn. Shortly after, Michael exits his house, shuffling through his dark brown hair before looking up and winking at her.
"Hey," he says, setting his bag on his feet.
"Hey yourself," Isabella says. "Nice outfit." she laughs.
"Oh, this?" Michael motions his hand up and down his sweatpants and sweatshirt. "Yeah, I made a good appearance yesterday. Needless to say, it was exhausting." he stretches, laying his head against the headrest.
    Isabella laughs and shifts into drive before heading to school.


"Are you sure you'll be okay here?" Kate asks, shuffling through her papers.
"Yeah, go. You have fun with the hormones." Frankie laughs weakly.
"I still feel bad for leaving you by yourself."
"Seriously, I'll be fine." Frankie eyes the room. "I mean, seriously. When all the doors are locked, it's like Area 51 in here."
"That and my mother will be home this afternoon. I'm leaving her a note that you're here." Kate grabs her bag, and the jacket loosely draped over her chair. "I'll see you later."
"Have a good day," Frankie mumbles, but Kate's already gone.


Kate pulls into her vacant parking space contemplating whether to stay or go home. Looking around, no one's paid any mind to her, so if she were to leave now, no one would even notice she was there at all. Jumping by the knuckles knocking on her glass, she spots Isabella and some guy.

"What'd you do, get a boyfriend while I was gone?" Kate teases as she exits her car.
"Haha," Isabella mocks before motioning it, Michael. "This is Michael. He just transferred from Maine High."
"Maine. Damn, that's a move."
"Yeah, tell me about it." Michael sticks his hand out. "You must be Kate."
Kate shakes his hand. "That's what they call me." she laughs.
"Okay, let's go." Isabella drags them loosely by their hands.


Frankie spends the morning giving herself her own tour of the Winters's home. Opening several doors, she finds one with stairs leading to the attic, others revealing closets, followed by two other bedrooms- the guest room (technically now Frankie's room) and Kate's mother's. Heading down the stairs, Frankie lets her hand glide with the rail as she lowers. Entering the kitchen, she shuffles through the items in the fridge, desperate for anything to eat. Setting various Tupperware's on the counter, she grabs a fork and takes a seat on the stool.

    Frankie feels nauseous from the sudden amount of food that her stomach is not accustomed to after eating. Flipping through the channels on the TV, she jumps when she hears someone at the door. Standing quickly, she hides behind the chair facing the TV, slowing her breathing. Squeezing her eyes shut, she's relieved to hear heels clicking against the wooden floors.
"Oh, thank God," Frankie says, rising from her hiding spot.
Laura jumps. "Jesus, Frankie, I figured you'd be in bed." Laura laughs, locking the door behind her. "How are you feeling today?"
"Somewhat better."
"Good. Kate went to school?" Frankie nods. "Hm, that's good, I suppose."
"She left you a note." Frankie slides the paper on the table closer to Laura.
Laura grabs the note and reads it as she mouths the words on the page. "Okay, sounds good." she smiles. "Well, I have to unpack, and then I can fix us something to -" Laura stops in her tracks when she notices her counter. "Oh, never mind."
Frankie looks down. "I was starving."
"No big deal. I'm glad your appetite has returned."

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