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Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez stand out on their lawn, intertwined together as their daughter's body is pushed across them on a trolley in a black body bag. The neighbors remain on their own lawns, pushing their heads out slightly, left and right, to try to see what's going on- their eyes following the lights of the sirens. Detective Sherman grabs his notepad and slowly approaches the devastated couple.

"So, Ms. Rodriguez was home alone tonight?"

"Yes," Mr. Rodriguez answers. "It was just for a few hours."

Detective Sherman nods, writing a few words. Looking up, he asks, "Did Ms. Rodriguez ever mention a Christopher Samuels?"

Mr. Rodriguez's face tenses up. "Did that son-of-a-bitch do this to my daughter?"

"Richard," Mrs. Rodriguez says lowly. "Please."

Detective Sherman nods his head. "My apologies, it's just that Isabella was associated with Kate Winters, correct?"

"She and Isabella have been friends since forever." Mrs. Rodriguez smiles slightly.

"Well, I'm sure you've seen it all on the news."

Mr. Rodriguez cuts Sherman off. "Yeah, how you're possibly even thinking that Kate would actually be helping a psychopath like him."

"We have reason to believe he's killed Kate and Isabella's other acquaintances."

"So you think Samuels had something to do with this?" Mr. Rodriguez whispers.

Detective Sherman nods. "It's a possibility." 


The next morning Kate wakes up to her phone ringing on her nightstand. Groaning, she turns slightly, dragging her arm across the other side of the bed, trying to grab her phone. Hearing the phone fall to the floor, Kate, annoyed, sighs, and turns onto her stomach, reaching the floor.

"Hello?" she pauses. "Mrs. Rodriguez?- What?- Slow, slow down, what?" Kate turns white, and her phone falls to the floor.

Rising quickly, Kate runs to her bathroom and empties her stomach.

Grabbing her phone, she apologizes to Mrs. Rodriguez and assures she'll be over soon.

As Kate approaches the Rodriguez home, she raises a brow when she sees their door is open.

Knocking, she peaks her head in and eyes the sea of people throughout the living room. Walking further into the home, Kate's heart drops when she sees the police tape tied to a hook on the wall, connecting the kitchen and living room, and her eyes move to the end of the tape- tied to one of the brunch stools.

Mr. Rodriguez spots her and treads towards her.

"Thank you for coming," he whispers, his voice hoarse.

"Of course." Kate gently squeezes his hand. After spotting Mrs. Rodriguez, she asks, "How is she?"

"How you'd expect." he shakes his head.

"Do they have any leads?"

"They're main suspect is that Samuels guy."

"Christopher? Christopher Samuels?"

"Yeah, apparently they believe he's responsible for your other friends' deaths."

Kate shakes her head in disbelief. "There's no way."

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