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Day 1

"Alright everyone, for this activity you'll need a partner." Shiro announced. I looked to Hunk on my right. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Pidge on his right. "What the hell Hunk! You're supposed to be my partner!" I pouted, putting my fists on my hips. Pidge looked around him at me. "Not this time Lance, be Allura or Shiro's partner." She says. I perk up and spin around with a grin, "Oh Prince- Oh you've got to be kidding me." Allura was standing beside Shiro, they're partners.

"Allura! Are you cheating on me with Shiro?" I gasped, placing a hand where my heart is. She laughed, skillfully tying all of her hair up on her head, "Oh Lance, why would I want to partner with you?" The princess said with a smirk and playful gaze. I clutched my hand shut over my heart, "That hurts, Princess, cuts me real deep. Now who am I supposed to partner with?" I whine louder. Pidge steps in again, "There's always Keith." I slowly look over my shoulder at Keith, who was giving me the same glare.

"Hey Pidge, quick reminder that I would rather cut both of my hands off than talk to him." I said with an innocent head tilt. Pidge smirked and shrugged. Keith scoffed, "I'm right here I can hear you." I turned around with the same innocent smile, "I'm aware, Id still rather cut both my hands off." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, come on so we can get this over with." I groaned and followed the rest of the group to where Coran had instructed.

"Alright everyone! Back to back with your partners, this exercise requires you and your partner to be able to defend each other without seeing the others moves, by feeling them. Its much like one of the training exercise we did when you all got here, but this one will require only 2 of you and twice as much focus!" Coran exclaimed with joy. I was still glaring at Keith. Everyone else began pressing their backs to their partners. Keith turned around and so did I, but we didn't touch. "Lance! Keith! You must be back to back for this to work." Coran said.

I groaned, "No way am I touching him!" I yelled back. Keith whirled around with arms held up. "What did I ever do to you?" he yelled. I turned around to yell at him, "You exist! That's reason enough!" I spat and stepped closer. Keith crossed his arms over his chest, "You don't even have a genuine reason to hate me!" He growled. I held out one hand and started counting on my fingers. "1, you're too short. 2, that hair is an eyesore and what even is your wardrobe, seriously? Fingerless gloves, fanny pack, and a cropped jacket," Pidge snorted from somewhere else. "Oh and 3, you just annoy me!"

Keith growled and swung at my head, I ducked and tackled him to the ground. Somehow though, he ended up on top of me. I had a fistful of his bangs and he was trying to pin my other hand down, his nails were digging into my wrist that held his hair. He hissed and grabbed my ear, pulling it the same way my mom did when I got bad grades on my report card. I cry out and let go of his hair, bucking my hips and sending him flying over me. I flipped onto my stomach and jumped on top of him, our legs locked and we were both slapping at whatever we could. I felt another pair of arms around me and I was being pulled away from Keith, even though we still reached for each other in a desperate attempt to get in one last hit.

Shiro was holding Keith under the arms, 3 short pink scratches were on his cheek and I could feel my lip swelling. Hunk was holding me back, "I win!" I yell and watch Keith's face contort with anger and he tried to jump out towards me again. I grinned and Hunk let go of me. Shiro shook Keith around, "Quit! I'm not letting you guys fight." Keith still had a death glare locked onto me. "Ha! Need Shiro to back you up huh? Probably because he knew you'd lose!" I taunted, Hunk sent me a glance. Keith was fuming, Shiro lifted a brow and let go of Keith, I screamed and took off in the other direction.

I could barely hear Keiths rapid footsteps coming up behind me over my own heart beat. I slammed a door open and ran in there, quickly glancing over my shoulder at keith. He slid but never fell, still hot on my trail. I leaped over a couch and used the coffee table as a step to jump over another one. Keith had to stop and run around them. I laughed loudly and started running backwards, "Ha! Cant jump over anything with legs that short!" I chuckle, he was obviously getting tired. I opened another door and kept running down the hallway. When I look behind me he was slowing down, "Must be hard to keep up when i've got legs twice as long as you are tall!"

He was stopping, bending over and placing his hands on his knees. I stopped, still yards ahead of him. Keith held up a finger, "Hol- hold on.. somethings, shit, somethings wrong." He leaned against the wall with one hand over his chest. I rolled my eyes and started walking over to him, "Hey Keith, I'm not an only child, that's the oldest trick in the book." I laughed. He was panting, "It.. wasn't meant... to get you to check on me, just get you closer!" He yelled springing back into action and heading right for me. I yelled again as he tackled me to the ground, quickly pining both of my wrists into one of his hands, the other winded back and aimed for my face. I screwed my face up and kept my eyes held close as I waited for him to hit me.

But all that came was Keith grabbing my jaw just a liitle to hard and turning my face to look at him, "I win." My jaw dropped and he got off of me. I jumped up quickly, "You didn't win! I got last hi-" His fist collided with my jaw and I nearly spun entirely on my heel. Before I turned to look at him again I heard him chuckle, "I was holding back." He growled. I nodded slowly and took in the impact. How the hell was he not holding back I think he broke my jaw. I thought and turned around. I held out a hand, "Truce? For now of course." I laughed. He took my hand, skeptically, and shook it. I pulled him forward and punched him in the nose, he grunted and stumbled back, holding onto his nose, "Yeah, truce, for now." He yanked his other hand away and raised it to his nose. I laughed and held my jaw.

"Lance, Keith, to the training room. Now." Shiro's voice came over the intercoms. I groaned but Keith was already walking in that direction. He's probably just going to give us another lecture on teamwork and how we're wasting valuable time. And Keith is running to him, obeying his every command like a dog to its owner. I take my time on the way to the training room.

"Don't you guys get it! Violence isn't the answer!" Shiro shouted, as he had been for the past 10 minutes. I snorted, "Funny, because last time I checked we're at war with another species and if you ask me its a little violent. So maybe! Violence is the answer!" I saw Keith almost smile out of the corner of my eye. Shiro was still glaring at me and I just stared back with a testing smirk. His eye twitched out of annoyance and he slowly turned away from me.

"While you two were off chasing each other, the rest of us came up with an idea." He pulled his arm out from behind his back, in his hands were a pair of handcuffs. I snorted, "A little kinky but I think I know what youre getting at. Oh and my safe word is snowman." I winked, if there's one thing I'm good at its making people uncomfortable. Keith clamped a hand over his mouth in an effort to keep in his laughs. I smirked, I'm amazing at making people laugh too. Shiro paused, giving a quick glare to Keith, who quickly stopped laughing. Shiro took a deep, annoyed breath and grabbed my wrist, clasping the cuff around it. I gasped and looked from my wrist to shiro. Keith pointed at me and laughed, Shiro grabbed his wrist and put the other cuff around it.

I raised my hand and laughed at him, then realized we were cuffed together. I let out a shrill shriek and tried to pull my hand away from him, only pulling him closer. We both let out screams and looked to Shiro. "There's no way you can leave us literally stuck together!" Keith yelled. "Yeah! I'll get his diseases! And I'll wreck absolute havoc for you, mark my words!" I shouted. Keith nodded, "I actually agree with him. I'll even help him wreck said havoc."

"You 2 will be handcuffed for 2 weeks, until you learn to get along." Shiro crossed his arms. Our jaws dropped in unison. "What! 2 weeks! That.. that's too long! We get along fine! We, uh, were just messing around. Play fighting of course!" I played it cool. Shiro didn't seem to buy it. "Fine, I'll take off the cuffs. But first you have to hug."

We looked at each other with absolute fear and disgust. I turned back to Shiro, "Remember when I said I'd rather cut off my own hands?" Keith nodded quickly, "Yeah, anything over this." He pointed at the cuffs. Shiro shrugged, "2 weeks, alone, handcuffed." Shiro walked away. I looked over my shoulder, "2 weeks, alone, handcuffed sounds like the description of a shitty porno!" He looked to me again, shaking his head, "why are you like this? It's so annoying." He grumbled. I smirked and he left the room. Leaving Keith and I handcuffed on the couch.

"These cuffs have 1 foot of slack, we have 1 foot between us, lets keep it that way." Keith said, pulling his wrist away from mine to show the invisible slack, "They're magnetic, so things can still pass through them." He added when he noticed my puzzled look. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly the castle was rumbling, the Lions were leaving. I pouted, "I wonder where they're going. Probably somewhere fun." Keith stood up.

"Or somewhere boring. You never know. But if I'm stuck with you for the next 14 days, I'm not going to spend it doing nothing."

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