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Day 2

"Scoot over," I mumbled and tugged at the blanket. Lance sighed and placed the food goo on his table before moving. Lances room is oddly cold. I don't remember it being this cold last night. He put the laptop between us and plate of food goo on his lap. "And no sleeping during the movie, this movie is iconic and made with nothing but pure class." I look up at him, "Seriously? Air Bud?" I laugh and grab a ball of goo off the plate. "A family classic," He says with a mouth full. I roll my eyes and scroll for a new movie. "Babadook?" I ask and wiggle my eyebrows, hoping he's in the mood for horror. Lance chokes and bursts into laughter. "He's just like you!" He tried to catch his breath, "emo, moody, kind of deadly and a gay!" He wheezed. I sat up and punched his shoulder. "I'm not-!" I yelled and shoved him, accidentally over the edge. He yelped and scrambled for anything to grab onto. The closest thing was me.

"You know, you say you're not gay, but this is totally not helping you." He teased. I looked down at us. I was straddling his hips with my knees, one hand splayed over his chest and the other beside his head. "Well maybe if you didn't pull me off of the bed, we wouldn't be here now would we?" I ask and stand up, crossing my arms. He jumps up and stretches, "Whatever you say Keith! Let's just find a movie," He smiled and jumped onto his bed again. I turned around the get on the bed but Lance was suddenly stripping. I blushed and he tossed his shirt to a corner. "Like the view?" He winked and unbuttoned his pants.

It was now i really began to despise these cuffs. I can't do anything except wait, very closely, for Lance to get undressed. He kicks his pants off and tosses them to the same corner. He put his fingertips into his boxers and I quickly look away, but he was just adjusting the waistband. "Alright, now lets watch this flippin movie so I can get my beauty sleep because a bitch is tired." He yawned. I rolled my eyes and got into bed beside him, getting undressed beneath the covers. Lance put a pillow between our heads and rested his head on it. I move away and roll onto my side.

"You can't sleep yet!" Lance yelled suddenly. I sit up and growl, "Fine I'll stay up and watch the stupid movie with you. But leave me alone." I say and flip back over, laying my head on the other half of the pillow. Lance grins, "Fine," he mumbled and the movie began.

"Why can't you just be normal," Lance whispered along with the movie before whisper screaming. I laughed and shook my head, "This movie isn't even scary its hilarious." Lance nods and yawns. "Iconic." I roll my eyes. He uses that word too often. It doesn't even make sense. I close my eyes and slowly drift off. "Hey Keith," he drug out my name. I sighed into the pillow and hope he'll leave me alone. "Keith," he whispered again and poked my cheek. My eyes shot open and I grabbed his wrist tightly. Lance yelped and tried to pry my fingers off. "Don't, touch me." I said slowly and let go.

"Fine, but ive got a question." I sigh. "What is with you and questions when I'm trying to sleep?" I whine and take a deep breath. "No it's serious this time." I sit up, still glaring at him.

"When's your birthday?" He asked. I opened my mouth to respond but no sound comes out. "Good night Lance." I roll over. He sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder and rolls me back over. "I said don't t-" Lance was smiling. I paused and stared at the ceiling. "October 23rd." I say quietly and Lance chuckles. "Knew it." He mumbled. I sat up. "Knew what?"

"You're a Scorpio, which isn't a surprise really. You're moody and hate everyone. Not very sexual though," he said and I smacked his arm. Lance laughs and lays back, "Can you guess mine?" He got closer. I cocked a brow. "Whichever is the most annoying," I grunt into my pillow. "Nope, not a Virgo." He laughed and moved even closer. I move away and Lance sighs, "I'm a Leo. My grandma was a cancer, which is kind of ironic becomes she was actually killed by..." his voice began to trail off. I sat and made sure he was okay. He smirked "a giant killer crab. Ha! Get it! Because a crab is the little animal for Cancer!" He snorted and I groaned loudly into the pillow. "Can we just sleep now?" I ask and pray he says yes. "Fine. But you've got to get out," he said quietly. I looked up at his face, turning a bit red. I smile and nod.

I may not like Lance, but I could never make fun of his family. It's too personal and he's too sensitive about it. I'd end up feeling bad about it. I sit on the floor outside the door, staying quiet to try and listen for anything. I couldn't make out anything and I pressed my forehead to the door tiredly. Man he talks a lot. I wonder if he's telling her about me. Suddenly my face feels warm and I smile at the thought.

The door opens and Lance is standing there. I stand up and he's frowning. I decide not to ask what about. "Let's go to bed, Keith." He said and turned around, walking to his bed. I crawled under the covers beside him and watched him roll over, his back to me. I toyed with the corner of the pillow. "Hey Lance," I whisper. He looks over his shoulder, "Yeah?"

"Can we go get some water from the kitchen?" I asked. He nodded and sat up, "Yeah, sure." We got out of the bed and walked down the long, dimly lit hallways of the castle. Lance was still quiet and I tried not to be bothered about it. "So," I started, trying to lift the awkward tension. He looked down at me out of the corner of his eye. "When's your birthday?" I see him sort of smile and I feel a small sense of accomplishment.

"July 28th" he smiled. I nodded and gently swung my arms beside me. "Oh, summer time." I said and tried to think of a way to continue the conversation. "Is that why you like swimming?" I asked. Lance shrugged, "Maybe." He yawned. And I took it as my cue to shut up. We arrived at the kitchen.

I sipped my water quietly on the way back to Lances room. He looks very focused on something. Something he's thinking about, something troubling. I know I hate Lance when he's his usual self, but I think I hate him even more when he's quiet. He seems so sad. And I want to know what he's sad about. But what right do I have to that? It'd be weird if I asked him what was wrong. Not knowing is driving me insane.

Lance didn't say anything all the way to his room. We got into bed again. I stared at the ceiling and sighed. After a few moments I rolled over and whispered, "Lance." He shifted and looked over at me. "Yeah, Keith?" Lance responded groggily. I sat up, "I have to pee," I say and Lance sits up. "Let's go," he mumbled. We got out of bed again and made our way to his bathroom. He stood outside while I did my business.

Lance was leaning on the wall half asleep. "Keith I'm so tired," he whined as I stood beside him. "Then let's sleep." I say and get onto the bed. Lance flops down beside me, getting under the blankets again. I close my eyes and prepare to fall asleep. Lance pulls the covers over his head and the room is quiet again. The tip of my nose was frozen. I held it to my blanket and curled my legs up to my chest. Lances room was very cold. I pulled the blanket over my bare shoulder and rubbed my thighs together. It wasn't even almost comfortably cold.

"Lance?" I called out a final time. He inhaled slowly and deeply before letting it out in an annoyed sigh. "What, Keith?" He breathed. I rolled onto my back and chewed my lip, "Can we go get my blanket from my room? I'm cold." Lance rolled over and glared at me, his hair messed up on one side. He reached out and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me to his chest. Lance was mumbling under his breath as we adjusted. I was blushing, I was so thankful it was dark. He buried his face into my shoulder and sighed, his breath was hot on my bare skin and I felt his chest rise and fall against my back. He tightened his grip around me and held one arm to my chest carefully.

"Now you're not cold," he mumbled into my back and then was silent again. I wanted to move, I wanted to jump out of the bed and run away. But all I could focus on was the way Lances breath hit my shoulder and how soft his hand was pressed against my chest. At least I'm not cold. We're cuddling, legitimately spooning. He moved his legs, tangling them with mine. I clamped a hand over my mouth and try not to scream. Lance was already asleep again. The room was quiet and dark. I was wondering if I would ever fall asleep.

After about half an hour, I began to realize something. Perhaps I admire boys. If I'm being honest to myself, Lance is handsome. Especially his body. But I like all boy bodies, it's not just Lances and I don't like Lance. He's simply attractive. I've never been able to come to terms with my interest in boys. Perhaps I just find them attractive. I sigh and close my eyes. I'm not sure when but at some time I fell asleep.

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