20 Questions

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Day 3

I woke up surprisingly late, 2 hours later than usual actually. I had almost forgotten about the move I pulled on Keith last night until I felt him shift in my arms. I sigh quietly and press my forehead to his shoulder. Surprised he didn't move or yell at me. Probably because he doesn't look into every tiny action like an insane person. I was surprised I was able to do it, but I was so tired and he just kept needing to get out of bed that I didn't care. I couldn't help but smile and hug him a bit tighter. I've never hugged Keith. He presses against me and sighs in his sleep.

Keith is very easy to hug. He's very small. But he's also really strong, if that makes sense. His arms especially, and he's got a set of abs and a chest I know guys would kill to have. I don't, I look better than him. Keith hugged my arm closer and grumbled a few things. I tried not to laugh and gently pulled my arm. Keith's eyes opened and quickly darted from me to my arm and back to me. "Good morning, Keith," I grinned and he quickly let go of me. He stretched, arching his back off of me and then rolled onto his back. "Did you sleep well?" I bat my eyelashes, "You we're cuddling me so close while you were sleeping last night." I wink and he sits up.

"Was not," Keith said and pulls the blanket off of us. I jump at the cold air hitting my legs, "Were too, you were snoring like the cutest wittle baby. And you kept talking in your sleep saying 'Oh Lance! You're so handsome and carved from 100% man power and beauty. Oh Lance with his beautiful long eyelashes and rippling abs-" I was cut off by Keith's elbow being slammed into my stomach. I cursed and doubled over. "Your rippling abs didn't save you this time."

I groaned against my knees and shook my head. "Isn't it a bit early to be so mean?" I squeaked. Keith laughed and laid down beside my head, "I don't think so," he said seriously before smiling. My lips quirked into a smile and I sat up, grabbing my pillow and smacking Keith. He gasped and hit me over the head with his pillow. I stood up on my knees and it was game on, we were swinging our pillows and shouting like mad men.

Keith was smiling, and laughing a lot. I wondered how today would be, Keith's like that Katy Perry song. One minute he's hot and the next he's cold. Keith was definitely winning. I didn't have enough time to even raise my pillow before he hit me again. He knocked me onto my back and I held up my arms in defeat. I groaned loudly over the sounds of us breathing. "I'm sure I've got like 3 concussions." I say and rub the back of my neck. Keith smirks and sits beside me, "Good, you deserve it."

"For what?" I scoff and sat up on my elbows. Keith laughed and looked for his pants, "For being mean this morning." He deadpanned. I scrunched up my nose, "I wasn't being mean." I defend quickly and get out of the bed. Keith pulls on his sweat pants, "Teasing is mean." I rolled my eyes, "Learn to take a joke." I grumbled and put my pants on. Keith got off the bed and stretched, "Food." Keith said and pulled me along with him.

"What's the plan for today?" Keith asked and ate another ball of goo. I grinned, "I actually have ideas," I say between chews. He raised a brow, "What do you mean?"

"Well we're supposed to be bonding right? I was thinking we play 20 questions? I ask a question, then you answer and ask me question." I say and wiggle my eyebrows. He glares at me quizzically. "You start." He said and leaned on his palm. I grin and think of a question, "Have you ever kissed a girl?" I ask. His smile drops and he rolls his eyes, "Never mind, I don't want to play." He growled and shoved his plate away from himself. I grabbed his wrist and he quickly pulled it away and glared at me. "You just want another way to make fun of me!" He yelled. I held up my hands defensively.

"Jeez, Keith, calm down. It was a genuine question," I shrug and slouch in my chair. "Fine, yes I have kissed a girl." He said and turned to me again. My jaw dropped, "No fucking way. I don't believe you, who was it? How old were you, how old was she?" I begged for more, there's absolutely no way a girl would willingly kiss him. Keith's face was getting red as I asked more questions. "I was 9," He said and fidgeted with his hands. "She was 10." I smirked, "Oh? A cougar? Keith you sly dog," I kicked him gently under the table. He smiled. "Her name was Emily and I had the biggest crush on her. She didn't like me though, her friends dared her to kiss me." Keith said and sighed.

I nod, "Now you ask me something," I say, leaning in towards Keith. "I'm an open book." Keith bites his lip, "Why did you want to be at the garrison?" He asked. I raise my brows and nod, "Not bad, can you keep it secret?" I chew my lip. Keith shakes his head and I roll my eyes. "When I was younger, there was this guy who was breaking all the records at the garrison, they talked about him on the news! Youngest Captain they'd ever had. And I wanted to be just like him." I said and Keith's eyes widen.

"Holy shit you're talking about Shiro!" He yelled and stood up quickly. His eyes were wide and I nodded. "Yep, I was like his number one fan. And then I freaking saved him after he crashed on Earth. It was like the best day ever. All my little boy dreams had come true. He was a lot cuter than I expected I will be honest." I said and smiled. Keith raised a brow, "You think Shiro's cute?"

I roll my eyes, "Name one person on this ship who wouldn't let Shiro dick them down, you can't." I say. Keith gags and shakes his head. "Shiro's a total beef cake, man. He's got like perfectly sculpted everything." I said and popped another ball of goo into my mouth. Keith shook his head, "That's just weird." I snicker, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you haven't thought about letting him fuck you," I said and looked Keith dead in the eye. His face got red quickly and he looked away. I gasped, "You've thought about fucking Shiro!" I said loudly and nearly choked.

"No I haven't! That's totally weird, I couldn't, i couldn't look at him like that. Gross," he laughed, the blush still shining through his cheeks. "Let's play this in the lounge." He said and got up. We left the kitchen and made our way towards the lounge. I couldn't help the jumpy feeling in my stomach.

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