She Knows

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Day 9

Keith is kinda simple. He doesn't like PDA, which is totally expected of him. And I'm fine with that of course. Duh. But Keith is the most affectionate and touchy person I have ever been with.

Another thing about Keith is that he is okay with moving fast. I always have to make the initial step, but Keith is in charge. I like that about Keith.

He likes having his hands on me, anywhere. Holding my head gently in his hands, or splaying his hands all over my back to pull me closer. Keith likes kissing too. A lot. He got the hang of it pretty quickly, our first make out session was pretty intense. Shower make outs are on the top ten places to make out.

But Keith likes having his mouth on mine, or my neck, or my shoulder, or my ears, my jaw. Anywhere he dared.

I convinced Keith to help me break into Pidges room and get the game system we bought. She always hogs it.

Keith's chin was on my shoulder, chest pressed flush against my back, arms wrapped around me like a blanket. "You're that one," I pointed at the ugly goblin character on the screen. He snorted and kissed my cheek, "When are you gonna take a break?" Keith pouted. I bit my lip and smashed the buttons on the controller, "In a sec babe, let me finish this level." I said as Keith kissed lower on my neck. He hummed when I said babe. Squeezing his arms tight around me. "Again.." he mumbled.

I press the buttons and grin, "Baby," I teased a little bit. My character died in the game and I blinked. "Finished." I smirk and Keith grins. "My turn!"

"Oh." I say. "You could have just asked for a turn, babe," I pull Keith into my lap and he holds the controller. "Okay so what buttons do I push?" Keith asked. I set my chin down on his shoulder and wrap my arms around him, like he did to me. "Up, start, okay now this button makes you kick, this button makes you punch." I instructed. I set it on level one on easy.

"Ready! Fight!" The game said and Keith immediately stared smashing the buttons. I smiled and held in my laugh. He just looked so cute. Keith's tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth. Adding to the cuteness.

"KO!" Keith gasped, smiling widely and turning to me, "I won!" He yelled, then kissed me. I blushed and nodded, "I see that," I chuckled, kissing him again.

"Again!" He pressed start again and the tune to the game started. "You know what?"

"What?" Keith asked, mashing buttons and focusing on the screen. "You KO'd my heart!" I said and he snorted. "That was so gay, dude." He said. We giggled and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"What do you think the others are doing?" I asked. Keith's hair tickled my nose. He sighed, "Probably lame mission junk." I raised my brows a bit, "You know, you were gung-ho about those lame missions not long ago." I mumbled. He laughed, "Yeah I know, and I'd rather never go on another mission, just lay here with my boyfriend."

I smiled and kissed behind his ear. "You're so perfect." I say and hug him tighter.

"KO!" Keith won again and set the controller down beside him. He turns around in my lap and puts his knees on either side of me. "You're perfect too," He said, pushing my hair back. I smile, "Thank you."

I move my hands down to his hips and then lower. He smirked, "Something on your mind?" I nodded, squeezing gently, "I've only got one thing on my mind." I chuckle. He giggles and pushed me onto my back. Putting his arms under my back and burying his face into the crook of my neck.



"Thank you for being... for being everything I need."

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