Sexually Nervous

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Day 9

"First rule about fight club... is that you don't talk about fight club."

I was woken from my dream when Keith hit my face. I grumbled and slowly opened my eyes, he was curled up beside me, leg over my hips and head on my chest. He must have just been readjusting when he hit me because he's still dead asleep.

I kiss the top of Keith's head until he stirs. "Wake up." I say, kissing his forehead. "Keithy Keithy Keithy," I sing sang. He groaned and mumbled. "Keith, get up so we can start our date."

Keith sat up and I grinned, stretching my arms out and groaning. Keith whined and rubbed his eyes, his hair sticking up everywhere. I chuckled and he squinted at me tiredly, biting his lip. "What?" I ask and blush. Keith smiles, "Nothing, you just look handsome." He said groggily. I blushed and grabbed my pillow and threw it at him. He laughed and caught it. "Shut up, its too early," I laugh and he moves so his knees are on either side of me. I smirk at him and he wiggles his brows, "I mean it though, you're hot first thing in the morning, bed head and all."

"Stop!" I'm supposed to make him blush. He laughed and smacked me with the pillow again. I toss it away from us and squeeze his legs lightly. He yawned and laid down onto my chest, "What's our date?"

"Breakfast first, then we're going to your room." I smirk and he blushed. Good. "What are we gonna do in there?" He asked. I smirk and chuckle, "I can think of so many-" he pinched my side and I yelped, pinching his arm. Keith sat up and grabbed my face in his hands, smiling for a moment and leaning down to kiss me. I smiled and sat up, putting my arms around him and kissed back.

Keith grabbed my jaw with one hand and pushed my face away roughly, playfully though. I smirked and dove forward for another quick peck. He laughed and rolled out of my lap and stretched across my bed. "FOOD!" He belted out as he arched his back. I laughed and shook my head, tugging on our cuffs to pull him along. "C'mon lets get dressed. You can wear my clothes," I say. Keith sat up.

"I can?" I raised a brow and looked from him to my dresser, "Yeah?" It was almost weird, the look on Keith's face as he jumped up and scrambling eagerly to get out of my bed.

Keith was looking in my mirror. "How come your shorts make my ass look so nice?" Keith asked, holding the end of my light gray shirt up so I could see his lower back. I think Keith has a thing for wearing my clothes. Which makes me wonder if he knows i really have a thing for Keith wearing my clothes. His ass really does look nicer.

I only snorted and shrugged, "I dunno, c'mon, let's go eat food." I say. Keith smiles and hip bumps me. I put my arm around his waist and tug on him, pulling us out of my room.

"Whatcha cookin?" Keith asked, following me to the pantry. I sighed and bit my lip, "Make shift pancakes," I laugh and grab the few ingredients we have.

"Why? Just make something else."

"But pancakes are romantic." I protest and wiggle my brows at him. He smiles and shakes his head, sitting in the counter beside the stove. I hum while I start mixing everything.

"You know," Keith started, "maybe... I just like boys..."

I smiled, "So you're gay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I wonder how Shiro will react..." he laughed under his breath. I turned the stove on, "I'm sure he won't care." I say and put my hands on his knees, pushing them apart and stepping between them to lay my head on his shoulder.

"I know he will, I just wonder if it would come as a surprise."

I snort, "You? Not at all." I kiss his neck and shoulder. He laughed and pushed me away, "How come you haven't told anyone? You don't seem to care what people think." He asks.

"Hunk and Pidge know, I just didn't see why everyone needed to know. And I've always looked up to Shiro and I didn't want him to think of me differently. I don't know how Alteans feel about the gays, so I never said anything to Allura or Coran."

Keith scoffed, "I'm like positive Coran was gay for Alfor."

We both started giggling and I turned away to our pancakes. Biting my lip as I skillfully wedged the spatula under the pancake and flipped it. "What about... us?" I ask quietly.

Keith turned his head to me quickly. "What about us?"

"Normal buddies don't make out with each other in each other's arms then fall asleep together." I said blankly.

Keith's face was on fire and it made me grin. "Well," he pulled on his bangs. "What if we just do our own thing, and if they ask questions oh well." I suggest. He blinks. "Huh?"

"I just love on you whenever I want and you love on me whenever you want. Who cares if they say anything."

Keith laughed, snorting a little. Which made me laugh. "No way," he shook his head. "I don't want people to... see. It's just different when people see," he blushed. I smiled and nodded.

"So we'll keep it a secret. Keep us a secret." I said. I cursed myself when I realized I keep saying 'us'. Keith pulled on our cuffs. "No ones around right now though," he mumbled. I smirked and his cheeks turned red quickly. I moved over to him and put my hands on his hips. Keith giggled and pulled my face to his, kissing me roughly. It made me smirk a little and I pulled him against me. Keith broke the kiss and put his arms over my shoulders, hugging me.

I kissed his shoulder, "You sure you're okay?" I ask, squeezing him a little. He nodded, "I'm fine, you just make me nervous."

I smirked and pulled away, "Nervous nervous or sexually nervous?"

His soft smile fell and he sighed, "How the fuck can someone be sexually nervous?"

"It's like, you're nervous, but your dicks hard."

"How did I start liking you?"

"Sexual nervousness," I wiggles my brows and he laughed, pushing me away. I chuckle and flip the pancake.

"Then how do I make you nervous?" I ask, pouring more batter onto the pan. "It's weird, now that I like like you. I'm scared to look or say something dumb." He shrugged, pushing his hand through his hair.

"Don't be, you already look dumb," I smile innocently and he punches my shoulder. "Funny, you're hilarious, you should really be a comedian." Keith rolled his eyes but I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye. He's so cute.

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I feel like a shit mom who abandoned her kids. ITS BEEN A FUCKIN MONTH MY GUYS OOOF sorry lol. Take this shit ass chapter, I'll do more SOON okokok.
Also in the beginning I couldn't think of anything to put as his dream so I thought of movies and tbh Fight Club just seems like a movie Lance would love. I mean duh fucking Brad Pitt as Tyler NUTTT ok I'm done sorry

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