Chapter 22

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Eros's POV

Kiss me Eros, please. I want you to kiss me please. I want your lips on mine. Please Eros, please.

Really? She wants me to kiss her, and who am I to say no to her. I'll definitely kiss her soft lips.

I held my Scar firmly by her shoulders and slowly pulled her forward towards me,

She closed her eyes and was waiting for my lips to get attached to her.

I looked at her pink plump kissable lips, begging me to kiss them. I slowly moved forward towards her, vanishing the distance between us.

I am so close to her.

I can feel her breath on my face.

I was so close to feel her lips on mine.

So close to make her lips touch mine.

So close,


I heard a scream.

My eyes jerk open and the view in front of me was not good.

It's worst.

I was holding Nick's shoulders and was about to kiss him.

Can someone please say, Ewww.

"Please leave me for my future wife. I didn't know that you have feelings for me. Leave me please. For the sake of your would be wife "he cried by joining his hands.

Shit! I was holding Nick not Scarlett. Ugh! Thank God I didn't kiss him. How would I have lived with such a memory of me kissing Nick?


I pushed Nick away from me and took a deep breath still thanking God that he didn't let that happen.
But I can still see Nick giving me weird expression.

"Oh shut up, I didn't do that intentionally, I was sleeping. It's your fault you shouldn't have to be so close to me" I replied by rubbing my eyes.

Yeah, you were dreaming about your Scarlett.

"Right, you are right. It was all my fault now, how rude can you be of accusing your only friend who is so smart and sexy and who is totally straight and was going to be kissed by his bestie. I wanna die, I can't live in this cruel world where a poor man like me can't be safe" he over dramatically said.

Poor Nick. I feel really bad for him,

I rolled my eyes.

"Nick shut all your drama right now, I don't want to talk about it. Let's just forget what was about to happen and tell me what are you doing here at this hour" I asked while getting up from the bed.

"It's not drama bro, you scared me by doing that horrible thing. How would I show my face to others? Oh holy Jesus! what have I done to have a friend like him who was about to kiss me, why would any girl wanna marry me if this really happened " he fake cried.

That's enough.

"Nick" I yelled.

"Forget it, You won't understand my feelings" he said by standing up from my bed.

"Anyways, I came hear as my bro you have your wedding to attend and it's half past 11. You should start getting ready now, we don't want to be late, do we?"he said by folding his sleeves.


I too forgot about the wedding, your friend is a tremendous actor, he literally made me hate you.

Mr. RudeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ