vi. The Girl Who Finally Met The Boy

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"SO JAKE IS NOW FRIEND WITH SAM ULEY?" Claire asked for a third time, still amazed of her own words. "Like, the same Sam Uley that he called a moron?"

Bella nodded. "He's a nice guy" she said. She seemed to be a bit uncomfortable with all her questions. "I met his fiancé, Emily. We can go to her house if you want to."

They were still inside of Bella's truck, parked in front of Jake's house in the Rez, just like they had been for an entire hour. Bella didn't talk for that much, as it was Claire the confused one who wanted a better explanation than "hey, Jake and I are fine, we're sorry for leaving you. He has new friends, and he says he wants to make it for the lost time with us."

"Let's check again" Claire said, in an attempt of trying to understand everything. "After he recovered from his disease, you and Jake fought because your relationship was getting strange" she raised one of her fingers, listing the events. "That's why you've been so distant with me, 'cause you were actually sad and you didn't dare to tell me again" Bella made a gesture like she was going to interrupted her, but Claire continued talking to avoid it. "Jake was mad too, so he didn't talk to me either because he thought that I was going to support you and hate him. And then he discovered that Sam was a nice guy, and made new friends in the process. But finally, you both fix the things between you, noticed the horrible friends that you were to me, and so now you planned to spend all our holidays together?"

By the time she finished, all five fingers from one of her hand were raised, just like one of her eyebrows.

Bella nodded again.

"I know it sounds like something unbelievable, but it's how it happened."

"Well, I can't get mad with you because the thing between you and Jake was indeed a bit weird" she whispered as an answer. "And I don't have no reason to doubt of you, but Bella, please, you could have told me. I'd have understood. I'm not a little girl."

"I know." Bella muttered.

When she saw her unhappy expression, Claire did nothing but hug her. She despised to see Bella sad, why couldn't she understand it?

"Remember it the next time" she said, still hugging her. "Hope for it not to be sooner."

Her friend laughed, and after a few seconds, she turned on the truck and started driving. They were not going to see Jake yet because he was with Sam and the others, but Bella told her that they'll met them later at Emily's place, as that was the only one they visited when they took a rest from work. She continued all the way through the path, until they reach a small blue house. Although the paint seemed to be old, there were tiny yellow and orange flowers next to the window —which Bella named calendulas—, giving a picturesque touch to the house.

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