xv. The Girl Who Had Her Own Better Than Fairy Tales

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Embry could handle that. It was all about focusing in other things instead of the problem. Like for example, the way Phillip kept glancing at him with probably the intention of demolish him in his first opportunity. That was pretty much useful. But then a shake came because he actually couldn't control the sweat in the first place and lied to himself all the time, and now his hands were sweating and shaking and that was far from being alright.

He barely listened to Claire's voice repeating a story that he already knew from head to toes. It was Jared's idea to use Seth as an excuse, after all; and Embry had thought it was a particular good by that moment, considering how close Claire and Seth were. So he ended up in front of Claire's door, muttering a shameful lie and with his best smile (could he actually call that grimace he made a smile?). And they were alone in the house, a detail that indeed was not what caused his state of nerves, but the mere fact that he had lied to Claire and he felt like a little boy about to be busted in action. He wasn't comfortable with the idea of lying to Claire.

"Embry" Claire suddenly called his name. He realized he wasn't looking at her anymore when he raised his head only to find her deep blue eyes. He could stay in that position, trying to come upon the conclusion of why he was now so happy only by seeing her. It's the connection, he told himself. It's just the connection and the strange feelings that come with it.

But then, she made the question.

"What does imprint mean for you?"

Embry's jaw went down. All his thoughts about Claire went missing, and the disaster from his head was summarized in fuck, fuck, fuck and more fuck. He heard Paul laughed in the back of his mind. Whoever who helped Embry deserves a reward, he mocked out. Not from me of course, but I'm sure Embry... 

The worst part was not the fact that Claire magically somehow got interested in the word imprint and decided to ask him about it, but the deed that Embry knew how hard was to deny something to her. Jared was right even about that. If Claire asked a thing —whichever it was—, he'd give it to her no matter what. God, he'd do whatever she wanted him to do just to see her happy and satisfied, which meant he just couldn't avoid her question and pretended he didn't listen to it. 

"Hmh, when you leave a mark or something?" he muttered, trying to remain calm. It was not the moment to explain her about what he felt when he looked at her —he still couldn't even understand it—. Besides, that'd probably scare her, and she'd probably never want to see him again? Embry knew how creep the explanation would sound.

Claire giggled. "Yeah, I know what imprint normally means. But in the way Leah said it..."

"Leah?" he interrupted her, frowning. "Leah Clearwater?"

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