The Royals of Rohan

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"I cannot believe it." Eowyn exclaimed in disbelief while standing in front of the half-elf. "You look so young, no one would think that you are nine hundred years of age."

Mirialia slightly smiled while they held hands. "I am pleased to meet you, Lady Eowyn."

"Your father, was a knight of our kingdom. We will not deny you your right to live in Rohan." Eomer told her. "We will welcome you with open arms if you wish to live with us."

The royal siblings did not hesitate to come to the Woodland realm as soon as they heard the news from Gandalf. They did not believe him at first, but when the white wizard told them the whole story, the two became very eager to meet her.

Thranduil announced a welcome feast for them that night. Mirialia became fascinated with Eowyn's stories about Rohan; the origin of their kingdom, and their people. She also told her that when they were young, their father and King Theoden would often tell them stories about the bravery of their knights.

"Come with us. I want you to see Rohan." Eowyn invited her.

"I would love to. But the Elvenking is not allowing me, yet." Mirialia replied reluctantly.

"He will later on. He must not deny you your right to choose where to live." Eowyn said.

"Oh, thank you." Mirialia smiled and tightly embraced her.


On the other side of the Elvenking's halls, Eomer, Thranduil, Legolas, and Gandalf were on a separate table, further away from the others. Legolas told Eomer that Mirialia would need to be well guarded if she were to go to Rohan.

"The west point was attacked by the corsairs the other day. We were taken by surprise. We have their captain imprisoned in the dungeons." Legolas reported.

"They had the guts to attack your land just to get her back? If we take her to Rohan, she will be safer there. Woodland Realm will be at peace as well." Eomer proposed.

"Either way, Gideon will not stop until he claimed her back again." Gandalf shared his view.

"He can no longer claim her, that I can assure you." Thranduil said firmly. "She will stay here."

"You must allow her to live in Rohan as well, my lord." Eomer told him before drinking his wine. "Give her the option to choose."

The Elvenking stared at him. "I understand that her father was a respected man of Rohan. But I am giving more importance to her Elven blood." He stood up and turned his back to them.

"Once she is wounded, my healers will have more capabilities to attend to her and heal her." Thranduil informed him, as he paced slowly.

"My people will protect her. I assure you, she won't be having any, even the slightest wound." Eomer answered.

"But what if you fail?" Thranduil retorted.

"Is the King of the Woodland Realm questioning my men's capabilities in battle? Where was the Elvenking's army when the Battle at the Pelennor Fields happened?" Eomer argued.

"My lords, this is not the time to argue and question each other." Gandalf interrupted. "Thranduil, let Mirialia decide if she wished to live in Rohan. Rohan could be her home too. When the right time comes, she will choose whether to stay with Men or live with the elves."

Gandalf then turned to Eomer. "Eomer, she is under Thranduil's protection. Sindar blood flows in her veins, the elves cannot afford to lose an elf-friend. She is closely related to them. If she decided to go back here, you must let her."

Eomer sighed for he had no choice but to take the white wizard's advice.

"Forgive me," Eomer said humbly to Thranduil.

"What is your decision, Father?" Legolas asked.

Thranduil made a final decision. "Very well, she can leave after a week."

Legolas and Gandalf both silently sighed in relief.


As soon as the sun rises, Tauriel helped Mirialia with her things that she would be bringing. Legolas told Eomer about a secret pass where they could travel safely back to Rohan without being tracked. Thranduil commanded a group of his guards to accompany them until they reach the end of the pass.

Eomer and Gandalf thanked the Elvenking and his son for their grand welcome and assistance. Eowyn and Mirialia bowed to Thranduil. The Elvenking stared at her with a concerned look. But before they left, he made an announcement.

"You will be taking a Sindar maiden with you. Keep her safe from harm, welcome her to your land." his voice echoed as he stood in front of the gate of his halls. "But on the sixth month, she must be returned here."

Hearing his unexpected words, Mirialia and Eowyn exchanged glances, while Eomer frowned at his decision. Eowyn tried to protest,

"My lord, that amount of time is not-" but Eomer put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

"That is my decision, Lady Eowyn." Thranduil noted sharply.

"Agreed. It is settled then, she will be returned on the sixth month." Gandalf said.

They rode on their horses, Tauriel bid farewell to Mirialia and Eowyn.

"May the Sun shine upon your road." she said.

Mirialia looked back while putting on her cloak, she saw the Elvenking staring back at her. Seeing his face, she suddenly felt a feeling of emptiness, but she did not know why.

"I will not be seeing him for a while," she thought. "Isn't that what I want? Why do I suddenly feel lonely?

"Mirialia?" Eowyn's soft voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What is it?" she asked.

"What's wrong?" Eowyn repeated her question.

"Nothing." was her only answer.

"Don't worry. Rohan will be a new place for you." Eowyn said, smiling.


Thranduil walked back inside his halls and proceeded to the throne room. Looking up at his empty throne, his thoughts about her safety ran on his head. Seeing her leaving, Thranduil could only hope that she will be back.

"She will come back," a voice in his head told him.

"Come back... Will she come back to me?" Thranduil told him.

"She will, mellon nin." the voice reassured him.

"What do you see, Elrond?"

"I see healing, and I am seeing your lifetime...with her."


Thank you for reading!

Jewel In The Palace(Lord Of The Rings Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang