The Siege Of Belus

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"Arm the ballistas!" Gideon shouted when explosions began to occur.

Sounds of panic and hordes of scream echoing to his ears as he walked towards the deck. Pushing the door open he was greeted by three explosions from not too far.

"They have catapults, my lord!" One of his men reported.

"Three thousand strong men at least." Another one said.

Eyes squinting in awe, disbelief and rage, the Lord of the Black Ship found himself gritting his teeth and cursing in his mind.

"Damn it! They've eventually arrived." He thought as he throws his mug of ale away.

He looked down from the deck to see his men already fighting on the ground. "I want more men on the ground, gather the troops and defend the ship's entrance!" Gideon ordered.

"These are the soldiers of Rohan, my lord. You can easily defeat them now that you have the power you've been longing for." Shileiko said, standing behind him.

"No, let my strong men face them. I am waiting for one in particular." he said. "I am waiting for him."


"My lord, they gather at the ship's entrance." A captain of Rohan reported to the King.

"It only means Mirialia is there. We have to break them." Eomer said. "Attack the corsairs at the front!"

Two of the corsair's smaller ships have been destroyed, ballistas are being fired at Rohan's army.

"Aim your catapults at the other ships!" a voice called out.

"Gandalf!" Eomer greeted him.

"We should not destroy Belus knowing that the maiden is there." Gandalf suggested. "The elves are coming."

"I will fight with you, my lord." Gimli the Dwarf said.

"Thank you." Eomer nodded.


Battlecries were heard at all corners of Pelargir, as more ballistas are being fired. Another hurling of catapults made another corsair ship sank.

"Three more left." Eomer thought.

As the battle continues, a sound of a horn echoed from a distance.

"The elves are here!" a Rohan soldier shouted.

Astride on his Elven elk, Thranduil came with his host. Armed and ready to fight, he met Eomer at the battlefield.

"The entrance are being guarded." he said.

"She's there." Thranduil whispered.

"Will you be able to break it?" Eomer asked.

"We will handle them." The Elvenking answered with no hesitation.

"I want the first platoon ready and armed!" he commanded. "Others will be in defensive formation."

"Let's give the Elvenking a way! They will break the entrance!" Eomer shouted.

"For one last battle, my friend." Legolas stood beside Gimli. "Will you stand with me?"

"I will stand and fight with you." Gimli answered, raising his axe. "For the lady."

"For the future queen." Legolas uttered.

Thranduil, with his son and their platoon charged in. Arrows flew straight on the corsairs, while the ballistas redirected towards the charging host. Eomer then ordered the catapults to be aimed at the ballistas firing at Thranduil's group.

Jewel In The Palace(Lord Of The Rings Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ