A Change of Heart

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Everything seemed perfect. That was how Mirialia felt as soon as she arrived in Rohan. The people gave her a grand welcome at Edoras and a three-day royal feast was prepared in the Golden Halls of Meduseld.

On the second week, Eomer showed her his home at Aldburg, it was an old fortress, yet beautiful. A land of pastures and lush tall grassland, the lands of Rohan, as she described it, was appearing like seas of grass.

But the place that gave her the best impression was The Glittering Caves. An immense, beautiful looking, cave system that extended deep down into the White Mountains for many miles and consisted of many different paths, tunnels, and chambers.

Eomer roamed her around the rest of Rohan, while telling her the great stories of his ancestors, and the battles that happened during War of the Ring. Mirialia was so fascinated that even until midnight, she and Eowyn were still awake and telling stories.

"I wish you could have met my uncle, King Theoden." Eowyn told her wistfully. "He would have been so surprised if he had found out about you. Here, I have something for you."

She held out a box and opened it, Eowyn took a glittering circlet made of silver and placed it on Mirialia's forehead. "This is a gift from my brother. Wear it proudly."

Mirialia smiled and touched it; the circlet was very light. "It's beautiful. Thank you, my lady."


The next morning, Mirialia joined Eomer and Eowyn for breakfast. She just listened while the two were talking about restoring the land of Ithilien.

"The land has lost its beauty, Gondor might need our help. If it can be  restored, our people can live there too." Eowyn explained.

Eomer nodded. "I will send a letter to Aragorn."

"Do you think he will need the help of the elves?" Mirialia said.

"For restoring the forests and return all the green life, definitely we need their help." Eomer eyed her and smirked.

"Why? Who do you suggest?" He asked.

"Legolas." Mirialia and Eowyn both talked at the same time. The two women looked at each other and laughed, for they were thinking the same elf.

"Ah, the Woodland elf prince." Eomer said smiling.

"Yes, and I think more Woodland elves could help as well." she suggested.

"Very well, I will set up a meeting with Aragorn first." Eomer said.

"My lord, I would like to go to Aldburg. I want to visit the library." Mirialia requested.

"Of course. You may go there anytime you want." Eomer said kindly.

Mirialia blinked at the two. "No guards?"

"No. Have you already chosen a horse from our stable?" He asked her.

"Not yet."

"You are completely safe in my land."

"Thank you. I will go to the stable now." With a smile on her face, she made her way out of the dining hall.

"I think the Elvenking has become overprotective of her." Eowyn commented.

"You cannot blame him, Eowyn. His land has been attacked by the men who were hunting her."

"I wish she can just stay with us. She will have more freedom here."

"That is not for us to decide, sister." Eomer told her.

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