Pure Love

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*I added a music video called 'Moonlight' by Yiruma. A perfect piece for this chapter.

Here we go...


Mirialia lay in her bed, comforter covered her entire body. Her last encounter with the Elvenking two days ago made her tossed and turned. She tried to close her eyes and curled herself in a tight ball. She knew there were too many reasons why she cannot love him but, in the face of her feelings, they meant nothing.

She got off the bed and roamed over her room. Thranduil's robe lay on her table, neatly folded, waiting to be picked up. She lifted the item and held it onto her chest. His scent still lingered in the soft folds of the fabric.

"I must return this." She said to herself.

She wrapped herself in a blanket and, opening her bedroom door, quietly padded her way down the hallway. The silence was broken when an elf called out to her.

"My lady." He was holding a tray with a bottle of wine and a small cup while walking towards her. "The king wants some wine before he goes to bed."

"In the middle of the night?" She asked curiously. The elf nodded and smiled.

"I was about to go to your chamber."

"Why? What is it?"

"The king wants you to bring this to him."

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh... Me?"

The elf nodded again. "But if you are already tired, I will just be the one to bring this."

"Um...no.. I'll just take that." Mirialia hang the folded robe on her elbow and took the tray from him hesitantly.

When the elf left her, she made her way to the king's bedroom doors. The entrance to his personal suite seemed like a mountain, like the doors leading to heaven or hell.

"Here we are again.." She whispered.

She was about to call out when the door opened by itself. The young woman quietly slipped inside and the door closed behind her.

His room was vast and dark. The only light came from the moon that glowed enough for her to walk around without knocking into something. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she roamed over the room, the bed that was placed for her when she was imprisoned on that place was still there. Her gaze finally landed on a table a few feet away from his bed. When she saw him standing at the balcony, her heart thundered in her chest, apprehension surging within her in thick waves.

He was...beautiful. His back was facing her as he leaned on the rail of his balcony; his long silver blond hair was unbound, swaying with the gentle breeze.

"Your wine, my lord, as you requested." She cleared her throat, putting the tray on the table. When she did not receive a reply, she poured the small cup.

"Good thing, I am not fond of wine. I'm seeing this now as your addiction than a habit." She whispered as silently as she can.

"More like a guilty pleasure."

The way he said the words on her ear sent chills up and down her spine. More importantly, it signified some kind of game, or flirtation, to which she mostly did not come out as the winner. Thranduil was at an all too different level, using his powers, charm and intelligence in such a way that even she could not decipher his intentions.

She shakily gasped and quickly turned around, only to find him inches from her. A flush rose on her cheeks and chest, her breath escaping in shaky puffs as she stepped away. Deep blue pools caught her eyes, regarding her with interest. A small smile tilted the corners of his lips upwards, making her breath catch in her throat.

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