The Duel

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Thank you all for reading! By the way, just to let you know, Glauron and Amariel were inspired by the parents of Thor in the movie. Except that they looked young despite of their old age.


"I cannot believe this recklessness and stupidity coming from you!"

Lord Glauron angrily shouted while walking towards the group of elleth that caught everyone's attention at the tournament.

"Have you lost your mind or are you even using your mind, woman?!" He quickly grabbed the corsair blades from her hands.

No one spoke; she knew they were at fault. The time Mirialia removed her helmet, no words came out from her. Seeing the horrified faces of the elves that were watching, and the anger she sensed from her husband, the reason behind her action suddenly disappeared.

"My love, she just wants to see how far her skills could go." Amariel broke the silence.

"And you are behind this as well!" Glauron glared at her.

"That is enough." A familiar commanding voice echoed in the halls.

Clearly, Thranduil heard Glauron's ranting.

"Glauron, as an Elder, you have earned my high respect. But you will not raise your voice on my wife." He noted sharply.

With a sigh, the Elder bowed to him. "Forgive me."

After getting the corsair blades from him, Thranduil turned to the three maidens which he knew they were hiding her behind their backs.

"Move." He ordered.

"Blame us, my lord. It is not her fault." Nauriel defended.

"I said move." Thranduil repeated.

When they revealed her, Mirialia could not even look at him. Slowly, he approached her and slightly leaned on her shoulder.

"You and I are going to have a little talk. Come with me." Thranduil whispered to her ear.

When he walked away, Mirialia did a last glance at Amariel and her maidens before she followed her husband.


With all the poise and calm she could muster, Mirialia followed Thranduil until they reached a large doubled door. When they entered, she saw it was a dark room. Thranduil spoke in Elvish, and suddenly the room has been illuminated by lantern-like lights that were hanging on the walls. She saw a large table with several Elvish swords placed upon it.

"This is where my father trained me," Thranduil spoke. "to be the best."

Without warning, a dagger flew past swiftly behind her head, cutting a few strands of her hair.

He then threw the corsair blades near her feet, which made her jump.

"Pick up your blades." Thranduil said, while pulling out his own swords. "I think Lenneth failed to inform you that at the end of the tournament, I am the one you will be up against."


He moved now with the instinctive grace of a much younger elf, and though he was not wearing any armor, she knew from his stance that he was nonetheless a very dangerous warrior.

The order caught Mirialia's attention, forcing her thoughts to clear.

"Please. Do not be mad at them, they are just helping me--"

"I do not care. Pick it up."

Looking nervously at her blades, she refused by shaking her head. "No. I cannot fight you."

Jewel In The Palace(Lord Of The Rings Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora