Battle At Heselon

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There was a thick tension in the air. Lenneth told the king everything that they had planned, while Thranduil just listened eagerly and patiently. After all information has been revealed, the elf maiden took a deep breath. She was expecting his anger would fill the room but instead the Elvenking remained calm. Knowing him to be strategically wise in battle, Lenneth now have enough confidence that they will win this war.

She shielded her eyes from the heat of the sun as she emerged from the cave. Ten days. It has been ten days since they have arrived, and now she would need to prepare for the greatest fight of her life. Lenneth felt the moisture in her throat being sucked dry. She swallowed hard, remembering that it will only be in a few hours before they march into battle. Although their location was in a peaceful, hidden cave, Thranduil's army settled their camps around it to make sure the place was guarded and protected.

An elf sent by Galion reached their camp and reported to Thranduil. He informed that Carantheas have been reclaimed and the invaders retreated back to Heselon. But there was another unexpected news.

"My lord, the elves of Lorien arrived and helped us reclaim the land." He told him. "And their leader came along with me."

Astride on a white horse, the said leader approached them followed by a few of his soldiers.

"Celeborn." Thranduil greeted.

"There is something you must know about Grimmond, Thranduil." The Lord of Lorien said while getting off from his horse.

The king tilted his head slightly. "And what is it that I must know?"

"Grimmond was once an apprentice of a wizard. The one who betrayed us." Celeborn informed him. "There is no doubt he learned something from him."

There was a short pause before Thranduil spoke. "Saruman."

Suddenly, a soft female voice whispered to him.

"A dark power. Power of shadows. You must be careful."

"By now, he must have been informed about what happened in Carantheas. He will be preparing for us." Celeborn continued. "This definitely means that Grimmond is going to wage war against us."

"If our enemy is asking for a fight, then I will give him the fight of a lifetime." Thranduil replied with a serious tone.

The Elvenking ordered his army to march and advance in Heselon. Lenneth insisted to join the battle but Thranduil refused.

"You must take care of Gilion. He needs your healing." he said to her.

"But my lord, I can fight. I can create a diversion while you enter the Royal House." she insisted. "Grimmond didn't know that Miriel is your wife. I fear that if he finds that out, he will use her against you."

"Lenneth has a point, Thranduil." Glorfindel spoke. "Miriel should not engage in a fight with him. She is not aware of his true power."

"Then she should not be there in the first place!" Thranduil hissed. "I allow her to befriend you, and here she is now, caught in the middle of your clever yet dangerous plan. I do not care if both of you started this, Glorfindel...for I will finish it."


Mirialia and the rebels reached the vault, and opened the door. The queen quickly roamed her eyes to find what she was looking for. Gilwen told her the scroll was tied in a gold lace. She soon found it hidden in one of the drawers, and safely put it on her belt. Heading to the door, she saw another batch of guards coming for an attack.

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