#1 The GIGN

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The legendary GIGN, abbreviated "Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale", is based in France. Instrumental in rescuing hostages of the Air France Flight 8969, and other counter terrorism operations.

Julien "Rook" Nizan, was a marksman in the police force. Strong-willed and persevering, he joined the Gendarmerie nationale at a young age of 18. His incredible ability in rifle shooting gained the attention of GIGN a couple of months back and he was just recruited. His extroverted personality makes him a natural leader in combat, although he can also come off as rude sometimes due to his straight forward personality.

Gustave "Doc" Kateb, GIGN's combat medic. When he was just 20 years old, he left his affluent family who had a private medical practice. Believing that being at the front line would save even more lives, he joined the GIGN. Being an introvert, he was always socially awkward around people, but he also had an undeniable sense of empathy, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.

There were mainly two other operators in their GIGN squad. Gilles Touré, who has been in the GIGN for a really long time, specialises in shielding equipment. His combat shield has the ability to extend out to provide more cover. He was appropriately nicknamed "Montagne", French for "Mountain". Emmanuelle Pichon, a remarkable robotics engineer creates intricate drones that can do almost anything a human needs in combat, without being in harms way. Nicknamed "Twitch", she can use her drones to send out an electrical shock, destroying anything that might prove as a disadvantage to the missions.


It is January the 16th, Rook's first day in the GIGN. He was given orders to meet his new fellow teammates in the conference room and his body was filled with adrenaline, he could not wait to start bonding with them. However, he was very lost in the GIGN compound, with it resembling a maze to him. He had fifteen minutes to find the conference room and he didn't want to be late.

"Damn it, wheres the fricking conference room?" he muttered to himself in frustration as he looks desperately for signs of people or directions. Walking along the corridor of the dorms, he soon spots a man sitting on a bench staring into the sky, seemingly lost in his thoughts. Rook quickly walks over to him as he did not have much time to waste.

"Hey um, sir? Do you happen to know where the conference room is?" Rook spoke in a soft tone, trying his best not to shock the man from his daydreaming. What was a man doing daydreaming in the middle of the compound anyway?

"Oh hi", the man darts up from the bench scratching his head, deciding what to say next. He sported a short haircut, a blue jacket, a pair of tight jeans and a pair of white sneakers. Rook grinned at his weird behaviour, covering it with his hand. For some odd reason Rook found his behaviour cute.

"the conference room is uh, straight ahead and up the stairs, turn left after that" the man said while pointing at the stairwell in front. Rook nodded, thanking the man before leaving in a hurry. Unbeknownst to Rook, this awkward man who was daydreaming was actually his teammate.

Rook rushes into the conference room, seeing Twitch and Montagne sitting on reclining chairs, with their legs on the table. "Hey chill, you aren't late okay" Twitch said, turning the chair around. "Let me introduce ourselves here shall we? I'm Twitch and this fine man to my right here is Montagne" Montagne waving slowly in response. "The only person that isn't here would be Doc" said Montagne. His voice was deep, but charming.

The doors of the conference room swung open again and this time, it was the man Rook saw daydreaming just now. "Hey..." the man paused, slowly walking in while scratching his head. "I'm Doc" Rook grinned at his awkwardness again, but this time he didn't cover the grin. Doc blushed. Rook smiled in return as they both look at each other.

"Oh i haven't introduced myself, name's Rook" Rook said, breaking the awkward stare.

"Mr late here will now show you to your dorm room" Twitch said sarcastically, as Doc scratched the back of his head again, smiling. "Other than that there is nothing on for today, welcome on board Rook"

A/N: Hey ello, this is my first time doing story writing so pardon me because I'm not very good at it😅

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