#2 Growing Denial

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"So you said your name was Gustave?" Rook asked. They were just dismissed and Doc was escorting Rook to his dorm room. Doc did a slight nod. "It's a beautiful name" rook continued, after pausing for a few moments. Doc smiled in response.

"We are here" Doc gestured as he unlocks the dorm room door. The door creaks. "We are going to be sharing a room, I hope you don't mind" he smiled, walking in. Rook follows into the room, he looked in awe at the tidiness of the place. Doc sure knows how to do housekeeping.

"This bed here is yours, and the cabinet here is for all your clothes and equipment. Tell me if you need anything else" Doc gestured, before looking into Rook's rich sky blueish eyes, blushing.

Rook thanks Doc, grinning when he awkwardly scratches the back of his head again. He liked his personality, but never thought much of it.

Rook places his belongings on the floor, and sat on the newly sheeted bed. "So Doc" he said after admiring the soft bed and the fluffy pillows, "Tell me more about yourself". Doc darts up from his bed to a sitting position commenting with a smile "Sure! What do you wanna know?". Doc was elated that Rook wanted to know more about him.

"Okay let's start with the fluffy stuff shall we?" Rook paused, thinking of a interesting question to ask. "How many relationships have you had?" He finally asked.

"Eh many I guess. All of them only wanted sex, so they didn't last very long" he said, dragging his answer. He didn't know whether Rook already knew he was gay, so he kept the answer a little vague.

"I only had one, and it was during high school" Rook said with a saddened tone. "She was beautiful, but I didn't love her, I couldn't understand why", he smiled, recalling his first date "I've never gotten into a relationship since then"

"Rook can I ask you something" Doc asked cautiously. "Have you ever found men attractive?"

Rook stares at Doc, speechless for a few seconds. "Doc that's absurd. I can't be attracted to men" He answered hesitantly. Concerned with his answer, Doc took Rook's hand, holding it tightly in both of his. "Julien, its fine to tell me the truth"

Rook withdrew his hand quickly, turning serious, "Doc its impossible, I like women, not men. It has to be this way". Doc shook his head in disbelief.

"Julien ..." Rook cuts him off before he could finish his sentence, proclaiming another time, "I'm saying one last time Doc, its impossible that I'm gay" he lies down on the bed, turning away from Doc to avoid the topic. He was confused. It was only the first day but it already felt like an entire month had past. He found a man cute, how was that even possible? It felt like a curse, and it was eating him from the inside.

A/N: hope this chapter wasn't too boring for you guys to read, it's a stepping stone chapter.
And to the gay people reading this, did you feel like you were cursed when you first found out?

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