Chapter VIII

28 8 14

Song: Ruelle- The Other Side

Chapter 8

A m a n d a

He's here again, sitting at the far end of a plain white bed. His brown eyes trained on me. Staring at me as though nothing happened, as if he didn't hurt me the last time I seen him. But no matter what he does, I don't want to leave. I can't bring myself too. 

"Why are you far away from me?" The words come out on their own as if my mouth as been waiting to spill it out, but I do notice that he seems to be further away from me than usual. 

His head tilts slightly, and his brows narrow. "It's not me. It's you."

I try to walk to him, and sure enough. It seems as if the space between us grows the closer I get. Or rather it seems as if I'm the one getting further way. "Jacob?" I begin to walk faster and faster. My face pale by now yet flushed with each step I take, but I can't get close. The distance between us only increases, and so does this unwanted fear. "Jacob, what's going on? Get up." I plead. He doesn't do anything, he sits there, glued to his spot, watching me with a sad smile on his lips. 

 "Jacob! Get up." I yell, running this time- faster. Pushing my legs to the point that they feel numb and weak. I can feel the tears form, but none make their appearance, and either way, I don't stop. Not until I reach him. Not until I have him in my arms like before. "Jacob!" Finally, he slowly gets up, still far from my reach, and gives me a wave as if saying goodbye.

"No! Jacob, don't! Don't leave!"

"Linda, please." Suddenly the room stops stretching, and I'm standing directly in front of him, out of breath with my legs aching. He gently holds my hands in his, hesitant at first, and leans in to kiss my forehead, a gesture he hasn't done in a while. "Just wait."

"Wait? Wait on what?" I pull away, but he doesn't meet my eyes. Instead, he's focused on a place behind me.

"Jacob, on what?" He eventually glances back down and speaks. "For you to move on."


The party was packed. From here, I can make out many people crowding inside, judging by the many windows surrounding the house. Others are out by many cars, and as we passed by them, the smell of smoke and beer hit my senses, but none of them seemed to notice us. To be busy sucking the life out of those around them.

The parties sure have changed as we've grown older, but I didn't expect it to be this drastic, much less in a span of two to three years. I'm guessing, whoever hosted this party is most likely home alone, or their parents magically agreed to this. One thing I know for sure, with permission or not. Their parents would not be too thrilled with the aftermath. Especially when I've already passed piles of puke and unconscious people.

Maybe I should have stayed home.

"You okay?" Sarah asks, most likely noticing my wondering eyes. I give her a look to which she only chuckles at. "Don't worry. We don't have to stay long."

Music blares through my ears when we step inside, causing me to flinch, and once again. The smell of beer, smoke, along with the hint of sweat filling the room hits me. I can see why. Many are already dancing to the beat bouncing between the walls. Grinding against one another or solo, drinking and making out in almost every corner of this extremely spacious room. 

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