Chapter XXXI

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Chapter 31

L i n d a

My eyes trail to the clock hung on the wall, watching the minute hand tick by as I keep pacing back and forth in the living room.  It's almost seven, and she's not here. Did she bail out? Is she not coming anymore. I pull out my phone and nope. No message. 

"Can't we just leave already we're wasting time," Exclaims Jessica. Her foot tapping on the floor impatiently.

I shake my head "She said she'd be here."

"Well, clearly not" I hear her mutter.

Where are you, Eva?

A car suddenly pulls up in the driveway, and in no time everyone is on their feet and rushing out the front door.

I spot Eva, head out the window with an apologetic small on her face.

"Sorry. I live far away, and I kind of got lost looking for your address" She explains. Avoiding everyone's gaze that seem to narrow as they stare at her.

"Whatever," Jessica looks away and gets into her car along with Alexander and Sarah who's going to drive and lead the way.

"It's okay." I reassure her. "Lets go. She nods and rolls the window up as I hop into Luke's and take the passenger seat while Brenda takes the back seat.

"You ready for this." I glance at Luke as he pulls out the driveway and Brenda who's watching us both. Mainly me.

"Let's do it."


We park a few blocks away, along a small forest that surrounds most of Zoe's house. While the others who are stepping out of their vehicles and into the shadows. It's quiet out here. Maybe to quite for my liking. 

From here, we are hidden from plan sight but the front of the two story house- more like a mansion- lies in open sight. Where no doubt if her neighbors were looking out their windows or in their front yard we'd be caught.

We quickly make our way through the trees, carefully stepping in the still moist ground, until reaching the back of the property.

I can feel my heart beat faster with every minute ticking by, but I ignore it as I  focus on Luke who takes a bobby pin from his back pocket and bends down. Instantly getting to work at picking the lock.

If we weren't about to break into Zoe's house. I would've enjoyed the scene of the forest. The sound of the crickets who are now starting to gather- as if they are welcoming us. Including the very little grey light from far away that peeks its way through the branches and leaves.

I turn back around and find the door still closed while Luke still tries to pick the lock.

"Come on. We don't have all day." Says Brenda, her voice slightly shaking as she tries to keep a calm face.

"I'm trying" He grunts.

I glance at Alexander who runs a hand through his brown hair roughly. "Let me see that," He snaps, grabbing the bobby pin from him hand and shoving Luke out the way, causing him to stumble to the ground.  

"I'm telling you it's not working. I guess -"

The sound of a click and door opening cuts Luke off. Alexander slowly turns and despite the circumstances we are in he smirks. "You were saying."

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