Chapter XIV

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Chapter 14

A m a n d a 

Everything is going to be alright.

I watch as she closes the door behind him, and the second her eyes land back on me. She walks over and pulls me back down on the couch.

"Are you okay?"

Am I? The second I heard about someone calling for me I felt hope. Hope that perhaps my parents were the ones on the other line. But I guess not. And I can't help feel disappointed- even in these circumstances.


My eyes snap to hers and immediately I nod. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just shocked I guess."

Her shoulders sink and her hand reaches for mine. "They're on it. We'll find out who it was. Nothing is going to happen." It can't tell if shes trying to convince herself or me but either way, one things for sure. Things are about to change whether for the good or bad, and truthfully, I don't know what to feel anymore.


Who's calling? I ask. His phone has been ringing in the past few minutes to the point he silenced it, but its clear that they keep calling by the way his eyes train from the plate of untouched food in front of him,  to the end of the wooden table. 

"Its probably those annoying companies that call and offer products."  He responds, grabbing the phone.

"Well that's a lot of companies. Maybe you should take the call in case its not." His eyes finally meet mine and hesitantly he nods, quickly getting out of the booth and taking the call as he walks away. 

From here it seems like hes arguing. His shoulders are tense and he runs a hand through his hair. Another couple who happens to be close quickly glances at him before looking away once he looks their way. Even our waiter who carefully approaches him is waved off the second hes in line of sight. 

I let out a sigh. So much for having a peaceful meal. I lean back and look out into the glass window. My eyes suddenly narrow.  A figure- a girl maybe- seems to be arguing in the inside of her car parked a bit far back from the shop. From here, I can't tell if its with someone inside with her or like Jacob -on the phone, but either way, it seems like today people are just constantly losing their temper. 

"Lets go." I snap my eyes back to his voice only to be be meet with his back which is moving away from me. I quickly hurry out the booth and reach into my pocket, leaving a tip. Hopefully the waiter also takes it as an apology for Jacobs behavior towards him. 

He suddenly stops by the door , as if remembering me, and waits for me.  Once i'm by his side his arm goes around me- almost in a protective manner causing me to look at him as we step out. And maybe it was just my imagination, but I could have sworn that hes eyes move to the car now behind us- the one with the girl I watched arguing seconds ago.


It feels as if our guards been up these past days. Watching everyone close by for any sigh of threat towards me. Just as Brenda has promised upon herself, she hasn't left my side, and we haven't left the house except for school until her parents arrived two days ago. That is until now.


You know when you told me about the game today." I scan the crowed parking lot. Guys are running around painted in our schools colors, girls dressed in our spirit wear, and the band members in their uniform ready to perform for tonight's game. "I didn't expect it to be this...big"

Unknown | ✔ | First VersionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora