Chapter IX

31 6 13

Song: X Ambassadors- Unsteady

Chapter 9

A m a n d a


My eyes fly to the door in front of me, and memories from last night resurface at this sound of his voice. Causing the wave of panic that I had seconds ago upon waking up vanish. However, automatically my thoughts go to Luke. Is he still here? The wooden door slowly opens, and Derek steps inside with sweats riding low on his hips and a loose white shirt, and even in that loose shirt, I can still make out his hard muscles. 

"Hey, sorry, did I wake you?" 

I shake my head. "No, I was just about to get up." I let the comforter fall and run a hand through my tangled hair. Trying to tame it a bit. I must look rough. I only remember changing and brushing my teeth last night, not bothering much of the makeup I had on; hopefully, I don't break out later. 

"Nice room, by the way." I gesture to the dark blue walls and the black furniture surrounding the area. He too glances around and nods. "Thanks. Haven't changed it since I came back."

His grey eyes meet mine again, and I'm so thankful for putting on my contacts the second I woke up.

"Anyways, I made breakfast." He states, still standing by the door. 

Just as I'm about to leave the comfort of the bed, I remember him, and I can't help but ask. "Is Luke awake?" 

As if sensing my unease, he slowly walks over to me and gets a hold of my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. 

"No, he's still sleeping, but Alexander is. Come on, the foods going to get cold and judging by how Alex was stuffing his face the second I placed a plate in front of him. I can't guaranty there will be any left."

I let out a laugh, which brings a smile on Derek's lips. I'm sure Alex will.

"Wait-" he states back at me "-I'm sorry about last night."

He shakes his head. "It wasn't your fault. You intervened, which could have gotten you hurt by the way." I can hear the slight worry and anger in his tone, which causes me to narrow my brows.

"Would you have hit him if I didn't intervene?" He seems to think for a moment but finally lets out a sigh. "No. I wouldn't. I wouldn't do that to your friend, even if he did initiate the whole thing."

 My shoulders relax, and I give him a grateful smile. "Well, thanks."

We head downstairs, and sure enough, Alexander is already at the table stuffing his face with food.

"Morning, don't worry I managed to save you-" When he spots us, his eyes go wide, which are looking at me from head to toe until settling between Derek and me. "-some." I glance at where his eyes land and pull from Derek's hand. I guess that made sense. I quickly make my way to a chair facing Alexander, who is still gawking at me- spoon mid-air. "Did I miss something?" From the corner of my eyes, I notice Derek still rooted where I left him, but he quickly shakes his head and begins to serve me breakfast.

"So... I did miss-"

"No, Alex. Nothing happened," I whisper, giving him a look to which he only nods. "Right..."

"Just continue eating," I say as a plate of food is placed in front of me. 

"Thanks, also do you have a phone I could use?"

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