2: I love you❤

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Thankyou so much for the great response on the first chapter..!!

Warning -: mature content in this chapter read only if comfortable. The warning will be given before that part so if uncomfortable just skip it.

It was a long weekend and the college was reopening on Monday. They still had 2 days left to spend with each other. Another reason adding to their happiness was that sanyukta's father's heath was gradually improving.

It was Saturday they had planned to watch a romantic movie together and go out for a dinner date.

They were enjoying every moment of it, no no not the movie, am talking about their togetherness.

After the movie there was still time left for dinner as it was just 6 in the evening, randhir turned the car to a different direction.

"Randhir where are we going?" Sanyukta asked looking at the surroundings.

"Just have patience Mrs. Shekhawat. You'll get to know it very soon." He winked at her.

Knowing him since childhood she knew if he said once that he won't tell that means come what may, he just won't, so not wasting much of their energy she leaned in the chair and rested her head on his shoulder listening to the soft music playing on the car's stereo.

A very mild shower was going on outside. Sanyukta looked outside enjoying the beautiful view. They were on an isolated road with open green fields on both sides, the sky had taken an orange shade and the tiny droplets looked beautiful falling on the greenery.

After almost half an hour the car finally came to a hault. Sanyukta stepped out excitedly anticipating the surprise but she got nothing as she had expected, it was better than that.

They were on a clifftop, the view in front was just spellbinding, the beautiful sea in front of them and high cliffs on the sides, these were all she could see as far as her gaze travelled. The rain had stopped but cold winds were blowing making the whether all the more soothing and romantic. Sanyukta was amazed would be an understatement.

"Wow Randhir this is so beautiful." Sanyukta said very happily running forward.

Randhir immediately caught hold of her hand and stopped her.
"Sanyukta be careful, you can fall down" he warned.

She nodded and looked around admiringly.

"Thank you so much for getting me here randhir, but i have never seen such a placs before, how did you know about it?" She asked her query.

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