0.2) FORKS

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{Chapter two, twilight, 'Forks'}

Apperating somewhere was always difficult, it was like being sucked through a small tube your insides swirling around as you went through it

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Apperating somewhere was always difficult, it was like being sucked through a small tube your insides swirling around as you went through it. But apperating cross country was something else, it was painful. She remembered when Dumbledore apperated her cross country, so she could take Charlies memories. She honestly missed him. She apperated to Charlie's house, her bedroom to be exact. Only then realizing how late it was in America, and Bella would probably be asleep and Charlie would  only just be coming in. She looked around her room, Charlie had updated her room. He knew her too well. There was lion memorabilia everywhere and the room had images that she had sent him hung with fairly lights. 'Nice, Dad.' she commented in her mind. Then she heard it, her father entering their house, She quickly ran down the stairs. He father was surprised to see her, as it was a random time in the morning. But opened his arms for a hug. 

Monday's, a terrible day. A day of torture, the day she started High school. She wanted to experience a muggle school at least once.  She quickly dressed, avoiding Bella. Which was considerably easy due to the fact that Bella was also avoiding her and they had not spoken since she arrived, and that was Thursday night.  It was terribly ice-y and rainy as she walked into the school. People whispered about her as she turned up with her black chevy impala. 'Is she a Cullen?' was asked at least fifteen times, which rather annoyed her. She felt like she was still in Hogwarts, still famous. Still the girl who lived. 

She walked into the building, easily finding the office that she needed to find. "Hi, I'm new?" She stated but it came out more like a question. 

"Ah yes, the Chiefs adopted daughter." She said. 

'Okay don't know why that's important to bring up into conversation.' she thought to herself bitterly and took her schedule from the nosy women. "Thanks." She said with a smile. What she's polite.  

The day went by slowly, nothing really happening to interest her very much and her subjects were terribly boring. Compared to the amazing ones she had at Hogwarts. "Hi!" Someone said popping into her eye line. This was Alice Cullen, a bubbly vampire who had seen the young Potter being Carlisle's mate 10 years before they'd meet. 

"Oh, hi!" Harriet said happily, Alice could already tell she was much more confident then her sister Bella. "I'm Harriet, Potter or Swan." She spoke, this confused Alice, Potter? "Oh, i love you outfit." Harriet spoke, smiling brightly. 

"Oh i can already tell that we are going to be great friends." Alice said, gently pulling the girls arm toward her arm. Bella saw her sister being taken over to the Cullen family and her anger flared. 

"Oh goodie, i win!" She muttered to her self happily.

"Win?" Alice asked confused, she only then realized that she probably should not have said anything.

"Oh, Ronald Bet me £50 i wouldn't make friends. He's gonna be pissed." She giggled, her bubbly behavior made Jasper super happy and her blood did not appeal to him so as they neared he relaxed, for the first time ever at school. 

"Harriet this is my family, My boyfriend Jasper Hale, And my sister Rosalie Hale and my brothers Edward and Emmett Cullen." Alice spoke, worried what Harriet would think. Most of the town found it weird.She glanced at Edward and almost burst into tear, Cedric?

"Awesome, I'm Harriet. Nice to meet you all." She spoke to the group, shocking them with her British accent. Wasn't she Bella's sister. 

"You sound British?" Rose questioned, not rudely but just curious. 

"Ugh yeah, I am technically from England. I'm adopted and went to a British boarding school with my brother." She said, and suddenly the bell rung signaling the next set of lessons. 

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