Chapter 23: Lights Out

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Elena POV 


I can't believe this. They've manipulated Jeremy against me!! How could they I grew up around most of them? I guess now that their supernatural they think they own everything and are entitled to anything and everything. Well guess again they aren't!!

"I can't believe this, I want them gone Damon!" I said to the mentioned vampire who had brought me home after getting me away from my innocent brother who had been manipulated against me. 

"What do you expect me to do? Most of them are werewolves and we have no idea what Lydia is, I'd more likely than not end up dead" he said like he didn't care. He got the bourbon from the cupboard and poured himself a glass taking a sip as he turned to face me. 

"Damon we at least need to help Jeremy" I told him with a pleading look on my face. "Besides all we need to do is get rid of the ring leader and then the rest won't know how to function without" I Said and he raised a curious eyebrow towards me whilst I just smirked. What can I say I'm brilliant. 

"Do tell?" 

"We take Lydia out of the picture and the rest will come naturally" I said but I didn't notice the brunette listening to our conversation from the back patio door. 


It was Friday and we'd just left school. Ever since Wednesday Caroline had been hanging out with, of all people, Rebekah. I'm hoping she's just spying for us and hasn't been manipulated or threatened cause I don't think I could lose another person like that. 

"Caroline why what are doing later?" I asked her as I approached her purposefully ignoring Rebekah who had literally been following her like a lost puppy since Wednesday afternoon, pathetic. 

"Actually I'm busy, me and Bekah need to pick up some last minute accessories for Lydia cause can you believe we forgot to get her a necklace" she said like she was genuinely going to play nice with Rebekah, she's a great actress. 

"Why can't she get her own necklace?" I asked trying to hide the venom from my tone, Rebekah actually likes her so I can't exactly hint to her our plans. 

"Well she needs to get ready for her date with Kol" Said Rebekah finally speaking up. She seemed genuinely happy about it and not bitchy like she usually is. Well this helps to locate her for tonight when Damon and Stefan are due to kill her. Might need to send Bonnie to deal with Kol as well, unless in the next few hours I can get my hands on some white oak or at least a white oak ash dagger. 

"Alright well I'llsee you tomorrow maybe?" I asked her because when Lydia gone we should be the one to tell her ASAP. At Caroline's nodd I walked away towards Stefan and I mentally prepared myself to tell him the plan and considering the look on his face Damon must have let slip. 

"Why?" He asked and his mouth sort of hung open like he wanted to say more but couldn't think of the words to say. 

"Because they turned Jeremy against me, in the process of manipulating Caroline as well Stefan and I refuse to lose anyone else. That's why we have to get rid of Lydia" I Said and he seemed to reluctantly agree. I knew he'd agree, I have the Salvatores wrapped around my finger. He seemed to look behind me and his eyes widened for a second before his face went hard. He turned back to me and nodded his head gesturing behind me. 

It was Scott. 


Scott POV 

I can't believe this. What happened to the sweet kind girl that I once use to call cousin? Well whatever happened she's now planning to murder one of my best friends. Gotta call Stiles. 

"Scott hey what's up?" He asked when he answered the phone and I hugged angrily so he knew it was serious. "Woah Hey I know that huff, who do I have to murder? And do I do it a horrifying fashion?" He asked. I chuckled lightly because I knew he was being completely and utterly serious. 

"Elena's plannning to have to Salvatores kill Lydia" I told him and I knew when he didn't answer that he was already picturing her murder. 

"Alright" He said in a calm voice and he huffed before he spoke again. "Just have to convince Elena to change her mind and if that doesn't work we are resorting to violence" he said and I nodded. 

It was great, I let him be as vicious as he wants but as a last resort so we try a peaceful route first. An equal balance. 

"I'll send Jeremy over, he's her brother she'll hopefully listen" I told him and he agreed before hanging up. I immediately phoned Jeremy. 

"Hey Scott what's up?" He asked and I saw him walking out of the school so I hung up and ran over. When I reached him I held his hands out because I was going too fast to stop, momentum and all that. "You Alright?" He asked concerned and I shook my head. 

"What's your opinion on sibling bonding? Bare in mind the siblings are on the outs at the minute" I asked him and he sighed, guess he knows where this is going. 

"What's Elena planning now?"

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