Chapter 61: Symphony Of Destruction

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Stiles POV 

"Issac hey" I Said when I saw Issac moping around again. "Snap ounof it man she's been dead for 3 months and it's like she died yesterday man" I told him and he growled at me. "Growl at me I'll growl at you buddy"

"It's jusy she ugh, you won't care" Said Issac as he stayed flipped over a footstool. 

"Of course I care" I told him angrily and he huffed. "What you think I'm some emotionless monster or something?"

"Your you Stiles, Eli might have cared but you don't" he told me and I nodded, fair enough. 

"I'm going to find Jimmy and Kyle" I Said and he didn't reply so I walked into the hallway. "Oh not you" I Said when I saw Elijah. "Ugh" I groaned but the vampire sighed and lived so I could walk past him. "You knowni might know something useful" I told the vampire with a smirk before I used Eli's vampire speed to well speed away. 

I ended up in the bayou. Looking around I saw Kyle drawing in the dirt. Jimmy was sitting back just watching him. 

"So Stiles why exactly did we need to sneek out from the vampire nest/ wolf den?" Jimmy asked but by his smirk he had some rough idea. 

"I'm bored and being cooped up inside a house or in a person isn't how I want to spend my time" I told him seriously. "I want chaos" I told him and he smirked wider. "Kyle, it's time" I told him and he nodded with a smirk. 

"Wait you knew about his little plan?" Jimmy asked Kyle who shrugged in response. "Why did you 2 never tell me this this stuff?" He asked outraged. 

"Because Jimmy you can't keep your mouth shut" I told my brother who poured but nodded his head in acceptance. "Now let's go cause I'm hungry" I told them and they nodded and we wondered off, I might get some fries from Rousseau's I was actually hungry or I should drink blood since I'm in a vampires body. 


Elijah POV 

"Stiles and the others are gone" I Said when all the family was gathered. They all tended up ready to get them back. "They'll be expecting us so we need to plan carefully"

"Oh screw that just snap twiddle dum and dees neck and knock the other unconscious simples" Said Malia and I sighed. 

"Malia remember what happened when I was possessed?" Asked Allison and she nodded with a pout. "I also think you suggested a violent route because your angry?" She asked, she'd taken up the roll as Malia therapist when Eli want available. 

"I want to hit something" she whined and Allison nodded giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Because I'm a beached whale" she whined which made Niklaus snort before he covered it up. 

"Well in about 2 months you'll go back to being slim but with a baby" Said Lydia and Malia nodded looking down at her bump. 

"Why don't we focus on getting the others back?" Asked Hayley and we all nodded getting back to the task at hand. "They'll want to create chaos, how can they do that?" She asked and I sighed sharing a look with Niklaus and Rebekah. 

"Their going after Marcellus" I Said and they nodded before the vampires sped away to Marcels compound. "Marcel!!" I shouted and it didn't take long for him and his guys to appear. 

"What do you people want?" He asked with a glare, the kid knows how to be dramatic. 

"Your in danger" said Caroline and you could see the vampires start to crowd around Marcel protectively. "Not by me"

"Look buddy 2 1000 year old vampires possessed by demons are wanting to kill you as well as their multi creature possessed sidekick" said Damocand I sighed, could only ever explain anything like a mature adult or without making it sound like some sort of cryptic command. "So get your ass somewhere safe"

"Please, it would t surprise me if you were the ones trying to kill me" Said Marcel in disbelief. He was going to get himself killed I swear. 

"Oh no were too late" I heard a familiar voice in a different accent say. Turning I saw Jimmy, Kyle and Stiles all lined up covered in blood. "Elijah" he said standing straight. "Pleasant surprise, Caroline gorgeous as always" he flirted with the blonde which made both Caroline and Lydia roll their eyes. 

"Who have you killed?" Klaus asked annoyed. He raised an eyebrow when all the nogitsunes stayed silent. "I'm serious I want names"

"Fine, we killed these witches that I'm pretty sure died ages ago and we were going to kill Marcel but apparently you don't want us to, I'm sure if we did it would solve all of your problems" said Kyle and I sighed. It seemed the violence of my family had spread even to the new formed Kyle, even if chaos and destruction are in his nature. 

"Manners now boys get back to the house" I told them and they groaned. "Now do not make me ground you" I said in a hard, no nonsense tone and they groaned before walking out of the compound. "Terribly sorry Marcellus the boys can be a hassle from time to time" I told him and he seemed confused before his face turned blank. 

"Davina?" He asked and we turned and saw the young witch walking into the compound. 

"What the hell is going on?" 

A/N so I've mentioned in an a/n on one of my story's that I'd be rewriting The Reaper, I've written a few chapters already I'd appreciate it if you could all tell me if you'd want to see the first chapter before I posted he rest, let me know and maybe comment on how you want the story line to be different from the original story, thank you

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