Thirty Five

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Cover by Kiletta . Thank you!!


I laid in my cold bed and sighed as my hands slid down to my stomach. "What if there's a baby in here already?" I asked quietly as I stared at the wall sadly.

I was laying in bed under the duvet while Valentina laid on the other side, flicking through a magazine.

I was tired and wasn't talking to Vincenzo. Time had flown by and I was getting more and more worried by each second. I wasn't ready or prepared to be pregnant. This was my first biological child and this wasn't how I expected it to go.

Like I mentioned, I wasn't talking to Vincenzo no matter how many times he tried to talk to me. I wasn't in the mood to talk with him.

We weren't sleeping in the same bed. I slept in our usual one and made him sleep on the couch downstairs with only a thin blanket although there were at least five guest bedrooms. I was going to make him suffer.

I paid Alexander to draw on his face with permanent marker while he slept.

I also put alarms on in the living room for him to wake up in the middle of the night or early morning just to irritate him.

That was only the beginning, I was going to do a hell of a lot more to irritate him.

She shook her head, "it isn't called 'a baby' until it's born." I sat up, raising an eyebrow, "then what's it called?"

"I think an embryo or something," Valentina said, a little confused herself. I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead. "My boobs ache and I feel nauseous."

She looked at me and laughed a little, "oh God, Mia, you're pregnant." I groaned as she laughed, "those are some of the symptoms." I sighed, shaking my head in slight frustration. "This is just great."

My neck felt stuffy and before I knew it, I was running to the bathroom, lifting the seat and vomiting into the toilet, my body shaking.

I breathed heavily, holding my hair back with one of my hands as I spat into the toilet, tears in my eyes. "Val? Val!"

"I'm here, I'm here," she said in a soft tone, a hand on my back as I stared at the horrible liquid on the toilet. I whimpered, tears leaving my eyes. I shook my head, moving to the sink and rinsing out my mouth, grabbing my toothbrush and brushing my teeth quickly as Valentina cleaned the toilet.

Once I finished, I leaned against the marble counter and looked down at the floor with my arms folded. "I'm pregnant, aren't I?"

I heard her sigh and come over. She leaned against the counter beside me, folding her arms also. "Maybe it's the food from last night."

I shook my head, "don't blame that good chicken you made. You and I know damn well that it wasn't the chicken's fault," I sighed, shaking my head. "That's the second time this week."

"You're right," Valentina said, glancing at me. "That chicken was so good and there's no way something that tasted that good could make you vomit."

I looked at her before bursting out laughing, as did she. "You cooking it tonight?" She shook her head with a grin, "lamb . . hmm. . I'm not sure actually."

I smiled, "whatever it is, I'm sure it'll taste good." She thanked me quietly before looking at me through her long eyelashes. I bit my lip, a little scared. "I should of made it more clear about what I wanted."

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