"Baby Mama."

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"Shh, baby. ." I whispered, rolling out of bed and walking over to her cot and picking up my crying baby.

"I know you're hungry," I told her, holding her to my chest and walking to my bed, sitting down and taking my breast out of my bra and putting it into her mouth.

I sighed, my back leaning on the wall as I fed her.

A year had passed on and nine months after the incident, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Bambi.

I decided to keep her because it wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault that her biological father did that to me. She was mine, not his and he had no right over her. He wasn't her father. Just someone who gave a few sperm cells to me.

I missed my family but I tried my hardest not to think of them. It was too hard. I hadn't seen or heard from them. I didn't have my phone and I was far away from the house. I couldn't bear to be in the same town as them.

I had been living at that hotel for a while now. From the money my father gave me. But it was running out. I would have to find some other way for money. I just didn't know how. Bambi was my first priority. Everything for me would come after. Babies cost a lot though. Nappies, formula, furniture and so much more.

I pulled my breast out gently and put it back before burping her and cuddling her as she started to sleep.
I sighed, tired. My body felt so heavy.

I fell asleep and woke up only to gasp.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, that horrible man standing in front of me.

"Give me my baby!" I demanded, standing up and trying to be brave. There she was, sleeping in his arms.

He chuckled, bouncing her a little as I watched, frightened. "Give her to me!" I snapped, watching my baby. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. I was scared. Really scared.

"Don't yell, baby mama. You don't want her to wake up."

Tears came into my eyes as I started to shiver. "Please," I begged in a soft tone. "Give me my baby. You've already took my innocence. What more do you want?"

"I'm here for her."

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "No. She's mine and you have no rights over her."

"Actually," he said with a smirk. "She's mine too."

"Bambi is mine-"

"You named her after a deer?"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "She isn't yours and never will be. You lost that right when you put your dirty hands on me. Give me my baby or I'll call the police."

"Or I'll call the police," he mimicked me in a high pitched tone. He chuckled and I shivered as his eyes ran up and down my body.

"Still really sexy."

I swallowed, shaking.

"I'm taking her. There's no point in calling the police, dear, I'm part of the mafia. They'll never catch me. As of you? Good luck."

He turned and I ran after him, punching his back, "no! Give me my baby!" I tried to get her but he was too strong and hit me so I fell on the ground, pain on one side of my face. I cried out, dizzy.

I was in so much pain. I couldn't move. I did though and ran after him, dizzy and nauseous. I ran out into the parking lot but it was too late. He got into a car with my child and drove off.

I screamed, running for her but I couldn't keep up. She was gone.

My baby was gone.


"Come in!"

Aurora pushed the door open and there revealed an office with a man sitting on a large leather black chair by a desk.

She nodded at me before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

"Caterina, is it?" I nodded politely and he gestured for me to sit down. I sat down in front of his desk, nervous.

He was attractive. Brown messy hair, sharp jawline and a stubble that made him look ten times hotter. But I wasn't thinking about that in that moment. I needed this job.

"So," he started, his face emotionless yet bored. "How did you find out about this place?"

I swallowed, looking directly at him. "I was in a bar and I overheard someone talking about it. I need a job. Desperately. And I need to find my child."

"Your child?" He asked, his face interested and his voice husky. I nodded, licking my lips. "One of your men have my baby and I want to find her."

"Well, what's his name?"

I froze before sighing and rubbing my forehead. "I-I don't know. .but how was I supposed to know? He raped me."

His face hardened, "he did what?" I licked my lips, shuddering a little at his sudden harsh tone. He didn't let me reply and continued, "I'm going to find this prick. .and get you your baby back."

Tears came into my eyes, "thank you."

"For the meantime," he said, standing up and walking over to his shelf to grab what seemed to be a document. "You can work here - as a maid. I'll pay you," he told me, passing me the document that said:

The Rules and Regulations

I read through the contract and signed it, handing it back to him. He gazed at me, "Are you sure you want to be in this business?" I nodded, sniffing. "Yeah. It's for my child."

"Very well, let's get you started, Miss Caterina."


I know it's short but I really want to move on from this.






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