Chapter 17

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It's been about a week since my date with Leo. I don't know what we are, exactly. We haven't DTR'd yet, and I don't want to sound annoying or clingy or anything so I just kept quiet during the whole week. I mean, he doesn't ignore me and we've been having lunch together everyday with John and Macy and somethimes Ethan and Leo's friends too, and he walks me to class and everything whe he has time, but other than that, we don't do anything couple-y. 

I don't wanna be the one to do anything, because, what if he changed his mind and realized I'm actually really annoying, or what if he doesn't want to be out with a boy in school walking hand-in-hand. God, my insecurities are just coming at me all at once today aren't they?

"Yo! Dude, you with us?" John asks, while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What has been with you lately, are you ok?" Macy continues.

We're in the cafeteria right now about to have lunch, waiting for Leo to join us (if he does) and I keep spacing out. I haven't been able to talk to Leo alone and I'm kinda embarrassed. Ugh, if he doesn't say anything until tomorrow, then I'll take iniciative and text him...probably. Ugh, I'm a coward.

I feel the chairs in our table move and look up to see Leo with Jackson and Carter sitting down at our table.   Ben never sits with us, thank God, even though he always hangs out with Leo's and his friends.

"Hey! What's up?" Leo says while sitting down.

"The sky," Macy, John and I say at the same time. Then we look at each other wide eyed and see that Leo, Carter and Jackson are also looking at us, looking a little freaked out as well.

All of a sudden me and my friends laugh while Leo and his friends still look at us weird, so the three of us fist bump each other.

When we hear another tray we turn around to see Ethan sitting down next to us.

"Hey people," he greets us, and then kisses Macy and says,"hey sweets." He seems to notice the weird stares from the guys because he just sighs and asks, " did they do that freaky thing when they all say the same thing at the same time then laugh and fist bump? 'Cause I already told you guys, that's creepy."

"Wait! That's a normal occurrence?!" Jackson asks.

"Define normal," Ethan retorts. 

After that everyone seems to give up and go back to their conversation, so I just shrug and move on. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to my side to see Leo smiling at me discreetly. I blush and ask, "What?"

"Nothing. I just think you're cute. I was umm, wondering if we could talk after school?"

"Yeah, sure, I mean, if that is what you want, then yes I would be very much happy to talk to you after school," Why did I just answer like that?! I have never, in my whole life, spoken like that. Jesus, take me.

But all my worries vanish when he chuckles lightly. He turns around after that and joins the conversation again. 

This is actually really fun. Leo's friends are nice, I'm not too out of my comfort zone 'cause John and Macy are still here and I kinda thought that Carter would a little rude seeing as he seemed hesitant at first, but he's just as nice as Jackson, maybe just a little less talkative.

"You know, there are way too many boys in this table. I need less testosterone in my lunch time. Ok,boys, new mission! John, Matt and Ethan, we're hanging out this weekend on the mall and coffee shops, we are now oficially recruiting cool girls for our group!"Macy says out of nowhere. Then she turns to Leo and his friends and says," You guys can come too if you want to."

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