Chapter 2

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As Jade weaved between people on the busy streets on her way to a donut shop that usually gave her food, she passed a newspaper stand and on the front of the paper was the man she hated most, her father. She slowly walked forward to read the article to see what he’d done this time, the man running the stand didn’t notice her as she picked up a paper to read it:

            Tony Stark’s daughter dies of a rare disease!

            They don’t know exactly what caused her to get sick

but despite doing everything they could, Jade Stark died.

Interviewers asked Tony how he felt but the billionaire

only replied, ‘Pepper and I are devastated about what

happened so soon after our recent achievement of

building Stark Tower.’ Before locking hi-

Jade stopped reading, she couldn’t believe what he said, ‘he was devastated’, yeah right. Throwing the paper to the ground she continued to the donut shop at the end of the block, when she walked inside a middle-aged man in a black suit glanced at her before going back to his donut.

            “Jade I wondered when you’d get here!” The cheerful blonde cashier greeted her.

            “Hey, Tory got anything for me?” She asked.

            “Stay right here I’ll go get the day old stuff.”

            Jade nodded as she went in the back room, the man in the suit got up and walked over to her. “You’re Jade Stark?”

            Jade looked at him uncertainly.

            “It’s okay, I’m agent Phil Coulson. I’ve met your dad before.”

            “Then you know he’s a lying jerk.”

            “He never mentioned having a kid, not until the paper said you’re supposed to be dead.”

            She turned to glare at him. “He actually has two, do you know how hard it is to take care of a two year old brother for a month?”

            “That’s terrible… why did he do it?”

            “To marry some woman named Pepper.” She spat venomously.

            Tory came out with a small bag of donuts and saw what was going on. “Can I help you sir?”

            Phil looked up at her a smiled. “No I was just having a friendly little conversation with Jade.”

            “Sure… friendly.” Jade muttered before taking the bag and thanking Tory.

            Jade left to go to the next location, an grocery store, she made her way inside and over to the fresh produce, grabbing some fruit that she shoved into her pocket quickly, she ran back outside. This was one of the things she hated, but at the same time loved most. She hated stealing because if she was caught she would be placed in an orphanage while her brother died on the streets, but loved it because of the rush it gave her. Jade walked back to the alley and saw her brother sleeping peacefully still.

            “Time to wake up.” She said shaking him, when he didn’t respond she shook him harder. “Come on you know I’m not falling for it.”

            Once again he didn’t respond, she pinched him to make him cry out in pain but when he didn’t the reality finally sunk in, her brother was dead.  Jade felt tears well up in her eyes but forced herself not to cry, instead she covered up his head with the rest of the blanket, stood up, and walked away. A flash of a black suit caught her attention and she turned around to see Phil following her from the end of the block, she glared at him, even though she knew he couldn’t see her expression, before running.

            Phil watched her look back at him and take off around the corner before going into the alley she’d just come out of. At first he didn’t see anything, but then noticed a blanket with something under it behind some old crates. He moved them out of the way and cautiously removed the blanket, immediately he wished he hadn’t, underneath was a small boy with dark brown, almost black, hair, his ribs stuck out along with his other bones, like a skeleton with skin stretched over it. He wrapped the blanket back around the body and picked it up while taking out his cell phone, after a few rings someone picked up.

            “Hello?” Tony grumbled in annoyance, “What does S.H.I.E.L.D. want now? I agreed to help.”

            “Stark I’d like to meet you by the donut shop a few blocks from your Tower… now.”

            “Fine but you’re buying.” Tony replied before hanging up.

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