Chapter 4

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The picture is of her outfit she wears to hide her face.

Thirteen years later…

            Scourge watched from a roof as her target ran down the street, the man turned down an alley and she jumped to the next roof so she could keep an eye on him. Yeah sure, she could finish him off then but there wouldn’t be any fun in that, plus she was curious where he would unknowingly lead her. It turned out the guy didn’t know where he was going, he turned into a dead end and looked around nervously before backing against the wall, finally tired of the chase Scourge jumped down and threw a knife into his heart. The man grabbed it for a second before glancing at her and collapsing.

            She dialed Coulson’s number and wiped off her knife on her red cloak while she waited for him to pick up. “Hello?”

            “The target’s been eliminated.” Scourge informed him.

            “Good… get back to S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as you can.” There was a loud sound from the other end. “We have a situation.”


            She was about to hang up but he started talking again. “Jade… you need to know Hawkeye has been compromised.”

            “Jade doesn’t exist anymore.” Scourge muttered before hanging up.

            After burning the body and going where a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet was waiting to pick her up, Scourge fell asleep for the rest of the trip. She woke up as the jet landed on the helicarrier, at first she was confused, usually when a mission was over she would be taken back to on of their ground bases.

            “Why are we here?” Scourge asked.

            “Director’s orders.”

            Scourge got out and walked into the main deck, Fury was standing there talking to Natasha and Maria before turning to see her.

            “Good you’re here.” Fury greeted.

            “Yes… I am. Care to tell me why?”

            “A guy named Loki. He’s controlling our men and took the tesseract. Now we need to start the Avengers initiative to get it back and save the world.”

            “Right… and who are the members again?” From beneath her hooded face she glared at him. If heroes were being called in that meant her father was coming, she was not working with him.

            “You know very well who they are but read this file.”

            Scourge grabbed the file and gave Fury another unseen glare before walking out. She couldn’t believe this, after being abandoned by Tony now she had to work with him. It was times like this she regretted joining S.H.I.E.L.D. but at the same time Scourge new if she hadn’t her body would’ve joined her brother’s on the street. She skipped over the papers labeled ‘Iron Man’ and started to read about Bruce Banner, Captain America, and about the tesseract. Thor’s papers were there too but despite Loki being Asgardian, she knew it didn’t mean he would show up.

            “This is going to be the worst mission ever.” Scourge growled.

            “Why is that?” She looked up and saw Steve Rogers looking down at her. “Sorry… Director Fury told me you would be in here and to introduce myself.”

            “I know who you are.” Scourge sighed. “As for why this mission is terrible… you’ll find out.”

            “So… are you Scourge?”

            She rolled her eyes under her hood. “Yes.”

            “Fury’s calling a meeting when the others show up.” Steve left and she looked towards the empty doorway.

            “You can tell him I won’t be there.” Of course no one heard her say that.

            Scourge threw the file across the desk and took out on of her knives to play with; she always did that when she didn’t have anything to do. Taking aim at the wall she twirled the blade handle on her finger before grabbing it and throwing the blade into the wall. It buried itself up to the hilt into the wall; she pulled it out and sharpened it for a few moments before putting it away and taking out her other knifes to repeat the process. 

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