Chapter 10

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The attack didn’t occur until a few days later, Scourge had gone back to his cell to interrogate him again while the others were in the lab. She wasn’t sure what had happened in there but after an explosion sent her crashing into a wall a loud roar shook the base to signal, or warn, everyone that the Hulk had been released and Dr. Banner was no longer the friendly, though quite distant, scientist anymore.

            “You could’ve warned me about that.” She snapped as Loki watched her stand up.

            “Well I did tell you to make sure you were here at this exact time on this exact day so you wouldn’t have to deal with that green monster.” Loki replied smoothly.

            Scourge just scowled at him and was about to put her hood back over her head when gun shots came from the other side of the door along with the sound of bodies falling to the ground dead. Two agents she didn’t know broke in and aimed their guns at her threateningly.

            “Drop your weapon!” The first one ordered.

            Scourge dropped her throwing knife and quickly drew out her gun and shot them down. The second agent whirled around from the control panel and was about to shoot her when Loki intervened. “Don’t, she’s with us.”

            The guard immediately lowered his gun only to be killed by Thor’s hammer as he ran into the room. “Lady Scourge, my brother hasn’t harmed you yet has he?”

            “Of course I haven’t you giant oaf. I’m still locked up in here.” Loki sneered.

            “What have you planned Loki?” Thor growled back, stalking passed Scourge.

            She took Loki’s distraction as a chance to back towards the control panel and opened the door to his cell; Loki smirked as Thor glanced at her in confusion before attacking his brother. Thor’s attack never landed though, Loki’s illusion disappeared and Thor landed in the cell, the real Loki appeared behind Scourge and grinned wickedly at Thor before shutting the door on him, trapping his fake brother in the Hulk cell.

            “Loki!” Thor shouted. “Stop this madness!”

            “Come and make me.” He challenged back.

            Scourge watched in amazement as Thor fell for Loki’s trick. He brought up his hammer and slammed it onto the glass cracking it, this only caused the floor under him to open up and the cage to unlock, and all Loki had to do now was press the button. She waited for him to but he didn’t, nether did a sarcastic or witty remark, instead he walked towards Thor and turned to face her.

            “Kill him.”

            “What?” Scourge looked at him; sure she’d killed a lot of people but Thor, a person from Norse mythology and a near immortal being? “Don’t you want to… you know after everything he’s done?”

            “Of course I do. But I want to test whether you are worthy to have my help.” Loki replied smirking.

            Scourge nodded and glanced at Thor before wishing she hadn’t, in the time she’d gotten to know him she’d learned he wasn’t that bad of an Asgardian, a bit confused about things on earth but a friendly guy, an now he was sending her looks that pleaded for her to stop. But then memories of how Tony abandoned her clouded her mind once again and she slammed her fist onto the button, sending Thor falling out of the helicarrier.

            “Scourge… what have you done?” Coulson’s voice came from the doorway.

            She didn’t respond, instead she backed away, silently praying Loki wouldn’t make her kill Coulson, the man that had been like a father to her, like she killed Thor. Loki however seemed to be more concerned with the large gun Coulson was holding.

            “You like it? It’s a prototype.” Coulson spoke up. “Even I don’t know what it does… what to find out?”

            Loki put his hands up cautiously before momentarily freezing up, a second later Scourge found out why, the real Loki appeared behind Coulson and stabbed him through the chest with his scepter. She resisted the urge to scream as his blood started to pool on the floor, Coulson wasn’t done fighting however because half a minute later he shot Loki through the wall.

            Scourge had to laugh a bit at what he said next because despite the situation he didn’t seem afraid. “So that’s what it does.”

            Kill him! Loki screamed in her mind causing her to flinch from the force. Now!

            She glanced back at where Loki was starting to get up then at Phil Coulson as he leaned, dying, against the wall. Making a decision she picked up the throwing knife she’d dropped earlier and walked towards Coulson.

            “You…you don’t have to do this…” He told her as she kneeled down beside him.

            Scourge shook her head sadly. “I do. I told you years ago I would get revenge on Tony Stark. Now I can.”

            He started to speak again but she didn’t want to listen, it would just make what she was about to do harder. Instead Scourge held up her knife and in one swift movement slit open his throat. Coulson let out a few more gargling gasps as blood flowed into his lungs and onto the floor before going still. She stayed where she was and just stared at the man who had saved her, now lifeless because of her choice. Loki came over and brought her to her feet before leading her through the chaos everywhere else, but she didn’t notice, Scourge was too shocked to see the agents finishing off the intruders, or others trying to keep the plane in the sky, she didn’t even notice when she passed by Natasha, who gave her an angry glare, as she helped medics take Clint to a safer place. In fact she didn’t notice anything until she felt Loki starting to go into her mind again.

            “Stay out of my head!” Scourge snapped.

            “I will do what I want mortal, especially if it’s to make sure you are not a spy for S.H.I.E.L.D.” Loki hissed back.

            “Yeah because a spy would actually kill one of the best agents S.H.I.E.L.D. has ever had.” She muttered under her breath.

            “Don’t look so… upset. If I didn’t know better I would think you’re having second thoughts about your revenge.”

            Scourge sat down in the jet Loki was stealing and glared at him. “Of course not.”

            “Good.” Loki grinned and turned to the pilot. “Get us out of here.”

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