Chapter 13

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It didn't take long for the Chitauri to target Scourge and start attacking her as she made her way through the chaos on the streets. She took out her dagger and started to stab them as they came closer until she was forced to throw her dagger at one that had started shooting at her. Afterward she took out her gun and started shooting at them, many went down as they received a bullet in the head but Scourge was soon out of bullets and there were way to many to fight off alone.

"Loki, tell them to stop attacking me!" Scourge shouted as she saw him fly passed.

He turned to look at her with a smirk. "No."

Scourge watched him fly off again with a scowl on her face though inside she felt the cold feeling of fear grip her as even more Chitauri started to come near her. So, she did the only thing she could think of; she ran. She headed for Stark Towers since it had the least amount of aliens around it and she knew that's where the Avengers would go so they could close the portal. She almost made it inside the front doors, then she felt a Chitauri weapon go through her abdomen. Scourge stumbled into the side of the door in shock as she felt blood beginning to soak through her clothes and looked at the Chitauri come towards her again ready to finish her off. She grabbed her second to last knife and sliced its throat, it collapsed to the ground before another Chitauri came and jerked her arm backwards by the handcuff that was still attached to it.

She screamed in pain and kicked it away before running through the door and going into the elevator before more of them could catch up and finish her off. Once she was safely inside she leaned against the wall and looked down at the wound on her stomach. Blood was still flowing out of it at a steady pace and she felt herself slowly sinking to the ground as a pool formed at her feet. By the time the elevator opened up at the top floor of the tower Scourge was on the floor fully aware of the fact that she was going to die... after all the training and years of planning her revenge she was going to die at the hands of a stupid alien invasion before she could even kill her father. She started dragging herself forward with her good hand knowing that she couldn't stay in the elevator and made her way towards the balcony Loki and Thor had been fighting on earlier. She stood up weakly but sank back onto her knees as she felt all the energy begin to drain out of her.

A red and gold flash flew up past her and she looked up as her father flew a missile towards the portal. She reached for her last dagger as she continued watching him before forcing herself back to her feet and throwing the dagger with all her remaining strength.

"You're dead Tony!" She shouted right before it hit the missile and punctured the outer layer causing it to explode.

Scourge watched as her father managed to get into the portal before the explosion took place only to fall straight back out again with his suit heavily damaged, and him as well, she hoped. A coughing fit wracked her body and she tasted the metallic taste of blood before stumbling and falling over the edge of the balcony. She grabbed the edge with her good hand and struggled to pull herself back up but could barely find any strength left to keep holding on.

"Natasha help!" She called out as she saw Black Widow standing on the roof.

Natasha looked down at her before closing the portal with Loki's scepter and running back inside. Scourge heard footsteps running over and stopped looking at the street far below to face the agent above her.

"Why should I help a traitor like you?" Nat asked her.

"I'm not a traitor." Scourge replied as more blood started running out of her mouth. "Please..."

Natasha sighed and walked closer to help her up but at that moment the blood slick surface on the balcony made Scourge lose her grip and begin to fall, Nat tried to grab her outstretched hand but felt herself being dragged down as well and was forced to let go.

"Scourge I'm sorry." Natasha whispered before looking away.

Time seemed to slow down as Scourge fell, the wind rushed passed her face and the buildings were a blur but the ground didn't seem to be getting closer. Then when she estimated she was about halfway down it sped up again and the peacefulness she'd felt before disappeared. At least I killed Tony... Scourge thought before her body hit the ground with a sickening crunch.

Natasha walked out of Stark Towers and kept her eyes averted from the place where she knew Scourge's body would be. The others were standing over Tony's body, which was still unmoving, she went over to them and saw the dying billionaire covered in blood and scorch marks.

"Can we save him?" Steve asked.

Clint shook his head. "No, by the time we get to a place that can help him he'll be gone... The best we can do is stay with him."

"The man of iron was a valiant hero to fight with." Thor spoke up.

Hulk let out a roar and continued to watch Tony with sadness filling his gaze. Natasha cleared her throat to make the others pay attention to her. "We have to get Loki still before he recovers."

"What about Jade?" Clint asked. "She ran off we have to get her back."

Natasha just shook her head; he would see what became of his old trainee when they went to arrest Loki. Hulk picked up Tony's body and followed them as Natasha led the way back to Stark Towers, Clint let out a muffled gasp of shock when he saw Scourge's blood soaked misshapen form on the ground but didn't go over to her. Loki was crawling out of a chunk of broken floor and turned to look at them as they came up behind him, Natasha could tell he already knew he'd been defeated and he didn't even try to stop them from putting him in chains and taking him back to S.H.I.E.L.D. until Dr. Banner could finish putting the tesseract into a container that would take Thor and Loki back to Asgard.

"How are you holding up?" Nat asked as she saw Clint looking at Scourge's memorial plate that hung by so many other dead agents.

"Fine." He replied. "I guess I just didn't expect her to really go through with it."

"I could've saved her... if I had moved faster." Nat whispered.

Clint shook his head. "Jade would prefer to be dead than deemed a traitor to S.H.I.E.L.D. and being locked up."

"Has anyone told Pepper what happened?"

"I think Fury sent someone."

Natasha nodded and left for central park where the others would be saying goodbye to Thor as he left. After this short amount of time they'd fought together she still couldn't quite believe all that had happened, aliens had attacked them, they had to fight an Asgardian, Selvig was now mentally unstable, and three of the best people she knew were dead. But she was an assassin, Nat knew things like this happened and knew it would soon be like this never happened. New missions would come along with new allies and enemies and she couldn't let the past get in the way of her thinking. As the Avengers all went their separate ways she knew they would always be there to defend the world if they were ever needed again, to her that was what she would remember of this war.

I have created a one-shot book My Marvel Fanfic One-shots for anyone who wants to see more of this, or other, of my story lines. (check it out for more info)

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