Chapter 9

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Scourge walked over to Loki’s cell and he turned to her as he stopped his pacing. “And for what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

            “I want information that only you can give.”

            “Who’s to say I’ll give it to you?”

            Scourge laughed dryly. “If you don’t I’ll find out anyway.”

            “I won’t tell you anything.” Loki grinned back mischievously. “However if you wish to insist I guess I can’t stay silent forever before your annoying voice gets to me…”

            “Then stop stalling and talk.” She looked over at the camera, they were watching her… she didn’t like her interrogations being watched.

            “You work with someone you hate more than anyone even me. Yet you don’t wish to get revenge for what he did to you.” Loki tried to see what her reaction was but got nothing so he continued. “Jade… why don’t you give in? We could get back at the ones we hate together.”

            Scourge took out a knife and threw it at the camera, now she only had a few minutes left before agents came in to get her out. To fix that she broke the control panel on the door and walked over to controls for the cage. “I’m guessing Fury showed you what would happen if you tried to escape?”

            “Yes.” Loki watched her cautiously.

            “Well did you know I can drop you with out the glass being scratched?” She pressed a button and the floor beneath his cell opened up to reveal the sky. “All I’d have to do to explain your death is say you were trying to escape and I was only defending myself. That you forced me to break the camera and door.”

            “So much anger.” He laughed. “But… it’s not at me Jade, use it on the one you really hate.”

            “That isn’t my name!” Scourge shouted and made her hand hover over the button to release the cage.

            Loki paled slightly and tried to keep his breathing even. “Let’s be reasonable here.”

            “That really isn’t my style.” She moved her hand closer to the button.

            “I’ll give you whatever you want. Power, wealth, immortality, a lover, revenge, anything but my death and world domination.” Loki looked down at the long drop far below, he might have fast healing but he didn’t want to see if he could survive that without breaking his neck permanently.

            Scourge hesitated, she could hear agents at the doors yelling and trying to get in. “Save my mentor.”

            “Done.” Loki smirked. “Just close the floor below me and I will free him from the spell when I next see him.”

            “You aren’t lying?” She glared at him unsure.

            “You’ll have to wait and see won’t you.” Loki replied, not intending to do that at all.

            “I have another condition… you help me get my revenge.”

            “You will have to join me and help my plan first.”

            “Deal.” Scourge closed the floor and walked over to the cell he was in. “I guess I’ll just tag along when your escape team comes to get you.”

            “How did you know about that?”

            “I read between the lines of what you said. It just seemed like that’s what you meant and your reaction to what I just said reveals I’m right.”

            “But you will not tell anyone or I will kill your mentor and you.” Loki threatened.

            “I’ll say you didn’t say anything. That all you did was threaten me and try to get on my nerves.”

            Scourge turned around as the agents managed to get the door open and the show began, she lied her way through it saying she was letting out her anger as Loki got to her but didn’t manage to learn anything from him other than they were up against an army. Fury, Coulson, and Natasha gave her the ‘I told you so look’ and sent Nat in after fixing the lock again.

            “So ever going to take off that hood.” Tony asked as they watched Natasha from the new camera they put in.


            “Why, do you have some gross injury you’re hiding?”


            “If I annoy you enough do you turn into a rage monster?” Bruce sent Tony a look but didn’t speak up.


            “You don’t talk much.”

            Scourge grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a wall. “Mr. Stark, I think you just talk so much that it just seems as if everyone else is like a mute.”

            “Calm down agent.” Fury ordered.

            Scourge released her father’s throat and went to stand between Thor and Steve, at least they weren’t annoying or at risk of suddenly turning into a monster. Glancing or even being near Stark made her blood thirsty, now though all she had to do was remind herself that she could kill him soon… make it seem like an accident during the war. She just had to wait until the perfect moment; hunter and the hunted.

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