Chapter 12

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Scourge stood on the roof looking at the sky for any sign of the Avengers while Selvig finished setting up the portal, below on the balcony Loki was on lookout as well. They didn’t have to wait long ether; she spotted Tony in his suit as he flew towards them alone. She went inside the building after seeing Loki go inside to join him as her father landed on the balcony and took off his damaged suit.

            “The others aren’t in the area.” She informed Loki as she stopped by his side and glared at Tony as he walked into his tower.

            Loki seemed to know what she was thinking and shook his head. “Not yet. Go back and keep a look out for the others I want to have some fun with this before the real fighting begins.”


            “Do as I say.” Loki growled before going off to meet her father.

            Scourge glared after him but went back to the roof to watch the, for now peaceful, sky. A crashing sound distracted her from her job and she looked over the edge to see Tony falling, part of her was hoping he would die but another part was furious it wasn’t her who would kill him. But she didn’t have to worry about that for long because a red blur followed after and soon Tony was safely in another one of his suits. She scowled as he flew back up just as the portal opened up and millions of Chitauri flew down through the portal.

            “Selvig turn off the portal!” Tony shouted as he flew up to the roof.

            Scourge stayed in the shadows behind him and began looking for any soft spots in his armor, Selvig turned to him smiling like a lunatic. “It’s too late! Nothing can stop it now! Loki, he’s bringing us a new world.”

            “Great.” Tony replied sarcastically before blasting the machine only to be thrown back from the shock wave.

            Scourge lowered her arm down from in front of her face and saw Selvig, alive or dead she didn’t care to check, lying on the ground bleeding from his forehead. Her father was, to her disappointment, still in the air and moving to attack the aliens that had started shooting at the buildings. She saw a damaged S.H.I.E.L.D. jet land and went inside to get to the ground floor to meet the remaining Avengers and passed by Thor, who turned out to have survived his fall, fighting Loki. Scourge left them to their fighting though; her fight was with her father and who ever stood in her way to kill him. As she made her way outside and through the already rubble covered streets she saw Tony land near Steve, Natasha, and to her slight surprise Clint.

            “Well looks like he’s making my job easy.” She laughed and took out one of the knives she used to cut through thicker material before continuing to sneak up behind him, using the shadows and rubble to her advantage.

            “…Tony, watch the skies.” Steve finished ordering them.

            “Got it.”

            Scourge sprinted forward as she saw he was about to take off, sacrificing her unseen position, and grabbed onto his suit as he began to lift off. She was about to jab her knife through the metal armor on his chest but a gunshot rang out and she felt her grip loosen before falling back to the ground. She winced as she slowly sat up, blood already soaking her sleeve, and glared at Natasha as she came over and handcuffed her.

            “Scourge, you’re going to ether get killed in this fight or, if you’re lucky enough to survive without the Chitauri finding and killing you, getting locked up for the rest of your life.” Natasha growled.

            “Jade… why did you do this?” Clint asked as he started to walk away. “I thought I trained you better.”

            Scourge glared at his back as he left before elbowing Nat away from her. “I’m still on your side… I’m just not going to let an opportunity to kill my father pass me by.”

            Instead of fighting or making a remark back though, Nat just shook her head and left to help join the others in their defense against the invasion. Scourge took her leave as well, going in the opposite direction, and started twisting her hand around until she could feel the bones crunching as she pulled it through the small metal ring of the handcuffs. With one useless broken hand and one that still hand the cuffs on it she wasn’t sure how she could fight, but that didn’t mean she would give up. Scourge glanced up as Tony flew overhead, she would kill him, even if that meant getting herself killed in the process. 

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