Chapter 8 - Finding Grandma

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Eir woke up by the sounds of birds chirping outside the window. 'Huh, that's strange,' she thought to herself. After all, there are no birds living around the village. Then, she opened up her eyes to find herself in a couch, covered by a blanket. She then noticed Almar, who was sleeping on the floor with Eira and Sylvina. 

After that, Eir's attention was drawn in by the plate with bread. Her stomach growled with hunger and she wolfed them down in just a few bites. Eating, she started recalling what had happened yesterday and where they where. They had arrived at Almar's cabin but she had just been so very tired. 

A sound came from Almar and he sat up, he slowly yawned and stretched out his long arms into the open air. Almar's long hair looked like a mess when he stood up. 

  "Good morning!" he said with a sleepy smile. 

  "Good morning to you too!" Eir said, copied Almar, stretched out her arms. 

  "I'll go take a shower," Almar said and walked away towards the bathroom. 

  "Then I'll fix the breakfast!" Eir said, stood up and walked into the kitchen. 

Sylvina and Eira was still asleep. Eir knew that they would wake up as soon as they felt the smell of food so she didn't want to bother the sleeping dragons in the land of dreams.

Eir found a loaf of bread and a chunk of cheese in one of Almar's bags. She cut the bread into several slices and melted a little bit of cheese, pouring it on top of the bread. She then went out into the garden for a few minutes and came back with a bunch of freshly picked flowers. 

When she heard the sound of the bathroom door open minutes later, she quickly pulled out two plates for them to eat on. Almar had came out of the bathroom... but where was his shirt? He was completely shirtless. Almar walked up to his little dragons but he saw that they were still asleep. Almar grabbed his second bag and pulled out a clean shirt. 

  "Breakfast is ready!" Eir said, standing by the doorway to the kitchen. 

Almar nodded and walked in to find the table full of food which made his mouth water. At the smell of all this, Eira and Sylvina quickly woke up, stretched out their wings and legs. Sylvina accidently hit Eira in her face with one of her wings.

  "HEY! That hurt!" Eira yelled, jumped on top of Sylvina and bit her ear. 

  "Ow, ow! Stop! It was just an accident!" Sylvina yelled in her defense. 

  "Stop it, both of you!" Almar yelled and picked up his dragons, pulling them away from each others claws. 

He walked up to Eir, who sat down in a chair by the table. Almar put Sylvina and Eira down on the floor and took a seat for himself next to Eir. Eir put out two cups on the table. 

  "Where did you find goat milk?" Almar asked, looking at the cup as she poured the white liquid into the glass. 

  "In a cold pantry at the back," Eir said, looking carefully as she poured. 

Almar noticed the flowers that were standing in a vase full of water. They looked ordinary and mundane but at the same time, they were beautiful and radiant, shining with different colors in the light of the morning sun. 

  "Did you pick those?" he asked Eir curiously. Eir stopped pouring milk and looked at the flowers. 

  "Ah! Yes, those. I thought it would be nice to have something pretty to look at while eating," she replied happily. 

  "These flowers are called Ipomoea tricolor or more commonly referred to as "morning glory." They come in a variety of colors such as pink, blue, red, yellow and purple. I think they're beautiful, even though they look kind of plain to most people," she continued talking on and on about the flowers. Almar was listening carefully with a little smile.

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