Part Eight

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itachi200155 this one's for you <3 enjoy


Even though Lúthien was shocked by his voice, she kept her composure in front of the King. She wondered how he had gotten there so quickly. But it didn't matter because he was here now, standing before her. Lúthien tried to study his face but it was unreadable, completely blank and free of emotion.

"So...." Thranduil spoke, breaking the silence between them "This is where you've been hiding all these years. I will grant, I was slow to figure out where you had been." He began pacing back and forth. "I would have never had guessed you'd be living on a farm of all places. You seem to have grow rather fond of it here, is this what you wanted? A simple life?"

Lúthien didn't know what to say or how to respond, she was afraid to. Despite acting out and behaving rebellious towards him, she still feared him.

"Answer me!" He shouted, making her jump slightly. But the pain in the King's voice slowly began to break her heart

"I wanted freedom!"

"You were granted freedom!"

"No! I was sentenced to 5000 years of exile! And here you are! Questioning me why I've been hiding from you! You were never going to really let me go, you were going to keep spying on me as if I were some child, so that's why I disappeared."

"So you admit it, you've been deliberatley hiding from me and my men."

"This isn't about me Thranduil! This is about you! Do you have any idea how heart broken I was when you sent me away from your court!? I should've been publicly hung by my neck for putting your precious life in danger, just like everyone was hoping you would. But no, instead you sent me away and pretended to leave me on my own when in reality you just couldn't let me be. After being banished, my freedom was all I had left and now you're here to take it from me." She paused, daring to meet his softening yet cold gaze

"Aren't you?" She said calmly

"Luthien don't say such horrible things-"

"Aren't you!?"

"I came here! To make sure you were safe! You have no idea how difficult it was to find you, and all the while I'm worried sick, you're here on your little farm hiding like a coward! It has taken find even a trace or sighting of someone that may have looked like you. Years! And you know what hurts the most? You knew I was looking and yet you never came forward."

"How could I return to Mirkwood? How do you think it would make you look as King? Not to mention it would effect me, "The King's spoiled little brat has returned despite being exiled for five thousand years" do you think I enjoy the negative attention my presence in you court attracts? It's a nightmare! I would rather be dragged by my ankles, than walk through those gates again." Lúthien wiped away her angry tears

"Stop it."

"This life of hiding, is so exhausting and miserable. If I'm being totally honest...I wish that you had me executed that day. Because if you had we wouldn't even be standing here in his very moment."

"I said stop it!!!!" In a few short strides, the King closed the distance between them. He wrapped his hands around her shoulders, shaking her firmly

Even though her heart was racing, she didn't flinch, not even when he shook her. But Lúthien could feel the burning tears building up in her eyes

"You choose your next words wisely."

"Is that an order?" Lúthien challenged. Thranduil was about to open his mouth to scold his rebellious subject, but he was stopped short when he saw a tear trickle down her cheek. Her face was still, everything except the one tear. Lúthien just stood there as the King held her shoulders in a tight grasp. Suddenly, his anger left him as if heavy weight was being lifted off his shoulders. His expression grew soft as he registered the fact that she too, was hurting. The little flames in Lúthien's eyes were being fueled by her emotions. The King released her shoulders from his grasp, unsure of what was to come next. Thranduil looked at the details of her face, realizing how much she had grown in the time she had been gone. It was rough, she certainly had been working hard to make a living. This wasn't what he wanted for her, Thranduil wanted so much more for his little spirit.

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