Part Nineteen

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He was her home. And she yearned for her missing memories. But most importantly she wanted to make more with Thranduil, whatever they might be. If Lúthien was going to do this, it was going to be with him.

"I want to remember everything again. The good, the bad, all of it. There's a missing fragment of my heart and that fragment is you Thranduil. Piecing myself back together begins with shattering this necklace. And I want to do this with you."

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't even be here without you, so of course I'm sure."

"Neither would I now that I think about it." Thranduil swallowed the rest of his wine

"I will help you break this necklace."


The pair of them left the confines of Thranduil's chambers and walked across the hall. Lúthien went to grab the pendant from her nightstand drawer. When she picked it up, the stone in the center shimmered as she rubbed her thumb over it. She was ready.

Lúthien had attempted to learn everything there was about spells such as the one the necklace had. Just in case there was something more that she needed to know before completely obliterating the stone. There was nothing written that mentioned anything dangerous about it, but just in case something did go wrong, she'd be prepared.

When she looked down at the pendant in her palm, Lúthien could feel the energy trapped within. Soon it would be liberated.

"Are you ready?" Thranduil asked

"More than I'll ever be."

They walked down to the garden and over to the pond that reflected the light of the moon. Everything was still and silent, there wasn't a single ripple in the water and it made the pond appear mirror like.

"Take my hand." Lúthien said quietly and Thranduil obliged

She began pulling him toward the water and he might of hesitated a bit. Lúthien noticed this and assured him that there wasn't anything to worry about.

"Do you trust me, wicked old King?" She teased

"You know I do, and I'm not much older than you." He pouted

"Alright then, come with me." She said rolling her eyes "I promise you're going to find this rather fascinating."

Lúthien continued leading him over to the water and Thranduil found that his feet didn't sink into the pond. An illusion? No. A spell of some kind had given them the ability to simply walk over the water. But it appeared so clear, it was like walking over glass and it worried him.

"Do not be afraid, besides if we fall which is unlikely, I know that you can swim. And I wouldn't worry because you're tall and the pond is shallow."

The both of them walked far enough so that they'd be standing directly over the reflection of the gleaming moon.

Lúthien held out her hands out in front of her and asked Thranduil to do the same. And afterwards she placed her palms on top of hissing that he'd be holding the backside of her hands. He didn't know any magic, but the warmth of his skin against hers was comforting.



"Nothing, it's just..." he paused, looking her in the eye  "It makes me content knowing you'll be whole again. I know the loss of your memory has been quite a burden, and I wasn't exactly understanding of that when you first arrived-"

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