Twenty Five

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"I must stop them, they cannot reach the forest. I won't allow it."

"I'll go with you." Abraxsis said


"I'm coming whether you like it or not."

"Orcs are coming?" Thranduil asked emerging from the bathing room

"An army."

"I must ready my men-"

"Thranduil no-I'll handle it alright?"

"Absolutely not, are you mad?"

"Abraxsis will be coming with me."

"I've got this-"

"Lúthien, no."

"We don't have time to argue about this." She said walking past him and over to her wardrobe. After pulling out her necessities and tossing them onto the bed, she began peeling off her robe.

Abraxsis immediately turned away and left the room before saying,

"I'll be out here when you're ready."

"You're insane if you're both planning on going alone."

"It's a good thing I am, otherwise this probably wouldn't work."

"I can't afford to-"



"You can't afford to die, without an heir to this kingdom it'll be lost. Your people need you, which is why you're going to let me handle this so you don't have to involve yourself."

Lúthien continued getting dressed and fitted in her leathers and arranging all her needed weapons.

"I'll be alright Thranduil."

"Lúthien don't go." He pleaded

"You have a kingdom to think about, you need to keep them calm while I sort this out."

She rose to her feet but found herself being pulled into Thranduil's frame. He was trembling, the fear of losing her was beginning to plague his every thought.

"Come back to me.." the King's voice shook

She pulled away and smiled "You know I always will."


The chilly wind ripped through Lúthien's loose braid as she ascended into the sky. She placed a hand over her aching heart, to what end? When would the fighting stop? When would she stop protecting the people she loves?


From the skies she could see the army a couple miles away from the border of the forest. But there was something particular about it, they weren't moving. The orc army was simply standing there, frozen there on the hills. They were waiting for her.

"You need to take me down there."

Abraxsis protested her request, but he knew that whatever she had planned would be for the good of the kingdom.

So he compromised, instead of bringing her all the way down there and have her expel her own magic, he took the liberty of throwing the first punch. With the simple opening of his jaws, Lúthien felt a rumbling from within him. Fire shot out, immediately burning the front lines to ash. Or so she thought.

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