Part Eighteen

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"The dream about Onna..."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"I should." Lúthien said pulling away "It's possible that what I saw in my vision, could be a warning of some kind."

"Do you really feel that whatever you saw could come to pass? Lúthien what did you see?"


After dressing, all three of them rode back together mostly in silence. Abraxsis didn't even bother trying to hide the smirk on his face as he looked over at Thranduil. When Lúthien noticed his face flushed with red, she asked him if he was alright. The King simply nodded in reply as they continued on. When they arrived, both he and Lúthien made their way to her chambers.

"When you asked me what I saw the other night..I may have not been completely honest." Lúthien began as she walked over to her night stand and pulling an amulet from the drawer.

"Abraxsis risked his life for this." With two large strides Thranduil closed the distance between them. "They're my lost memories, the ones Onna stole from me..."

He immediately looked down at the pendant in his palm and then back up at Lúthien. Thranduil was at a loss for words in those moments because the one prayer he had in his mind was finally being answered.

"I didn't want to open them without asking you first. You deserved to know because you're apart of them as well."

"Lúthien, the return of your memories has pondered my mind for quite some time. Of course I want you to regain them...."


"But I need to know what was in your dream, maybe it's possible that it could eventually become reality."

"I...." her voice shook "I'm afraid.." Thranduil gently set the necklace down on the bed, taking Lúthien's hands in his

"Of What Lurielním?"

"I'm afraid of what you might think after what I am about to tell you."

Lúthien told him exactly what had happened during her dream. Even though he had a blank expression almost the entire time, he felt like getting up and hurtling a chair at the nearest wall. Not once did Thranduil disturb her, he let her continue the horrifying story that had been her nightmare. He controlled the fury in his heart, despite wanting nothing more than to hold her. He wanted her to know that he'd never bring harm to her-ever-but she already knew that.

Thranduil was silent afterwards, his mouth but a thin line as his eyes darkened. He carefully calculating what he was going to much as he hated Lúthien's dream, it wasn't her fault.

"This dream-nightmare-vision- whatever you want to call it, will absolutely never come to pass."

"There's no way to know for certain, all we can do is prepare ourselves for the worst."

"I would never-"

"I know Thranduil." She said softly "But she grows stronger with each passing day...its time I do the same. War is coming, I want to do everything I can to protect this place."

"What would you have me do?"

"You've already sent word about this possible threat, all the kingdoms know of it. They must know that Onna is growing stronger and is plotting to attack."

"Alright, anything else?"

"I'm going to need an audience with your council."

"Consider it done."

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